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Cyrus's head turned to another side when a soft hand met with his cheek leaving a hard slap on it. The first thing he felt was shock then disbelief and slowly coming back to reality, anger.

Too much anger. His chest started going back and forth rapidly in rage. How dare she! No girl had dared to slap him before. His hands once again turned into tight fists beside her head.

Hazel's breath was knocked out of her system when he slowly turned his head towards her and stared at her right in her eyes. The shade of his pupils turned darker. The rage she noticed in his eyes was beyond the one she saw when she called him an animal.

She gulped in fear. Now she was cursing herself for letting her emotions empower her senses and she did something she shouldn't have. She noticed how his cheek had turned red and there was a light cut on his cheek as well. Then she realized she slapped him using her chained hand the chain has scratched his cheek.

She gasped out pressing her head against the mattress, even more, when he abruptly leaned his face down matching the tip of his nose against hers. She took a cracked breath when he gritted his teeth.

There were no playful emotions or smirk on his face anymore. Only anger. Rage. He looked like he wanted to kill her right at this moment. Hazel didn't know she hadn't slapped his face.

She had slapped his ego. The ego that the big bad alpha had been raising for years.

She did something which none of his women had done. He had tons of nightstands and girls before her but no one did the things she was doing.

First rejection. Second calling him an animal. And lastly slapping him. And this was the last string of his, she had crossed every limit according to him. He had been too lenient with her, she deserves to know her place.

"Do it again!" Her eyes widened when he seethed right on her face. Her hands trembled against her chest.

"I FUCKING DARE YOU BITCH DO IT AGAIN!" She cried out when he shouted on her face making her shut her eyes in horror.

He looked crazy. A pure psycho. She slightly turned her face to the side feeling extremely afraid of his anger. He grabbed her jaw roughly jerking her head to face him. He squeezed her cheeks making her lips turn into a tiny pout.

"LOOK AT ME!" He growled making her snap her eyes up meeting with his dark hard gaze.

Her teary Emerald eyes met his dark greenish grey ones. His eyes were terrifying. Her whole body flinched badly when she looked into his eyes. He looked murderous.

She yelped when he grabbed her chained hand. And roughly pulled it up making her stare at him with wide terrified eyes.

"This hand right! You fucking slapped me with this hand right! Tell me what should I do with it? Should I break it? " He said twisting her wrist a little making her whimper out in pain as the chain got pressed against her bruised wrist.

"Tell me darling should I?" He wickedly rasped out twisting her hand more making her let out a small cracked cry. 

"P-Please ahh." She cried out when he twisted her wrist painfully. Cyrus smirked satisfied seeing her condition. She should feel pain, she fucking dared to touch him. Him! Cyrus had always disliked someone touching him either during sex or normally.

He just dislikes touch. And this girl under him dared to slap him. He liked the way her hands were trying to push him and he knew she wouldn't touch him sensually or seductively with her consent as she was being forced. 

But he didn't expect her to slap him and that was his last string. He hadn't shown her his beast. His real devil face yet and the girl was taking him too easily. She needs to be put in her place.

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