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Author Pov

"Boss don't do like this."

"Shut the fuck up! Let me focus or instead of this frying pan the next thing I will burn is you." Cyrus snapped at Creed who shut up pursuing his lips.

Cyrus after waking up, from God knows where got the idea to make breakfast for Hazel. Man doesn't even know how to start a stove in the first place. Even Creed never cooked before yet he was trying to help him but Cyrus told him in clear words that he will make breakfast by himself.

"And why the hell are you dancing on my head? Aren't your wife sick? Go to her!" Cyrus said before taking a new pan and placing it over the stove. Creed sighed.

"I did try to stay with her but the moment she heard that you're going to cook she pushed me to go to you and help you." Cyrus glared at him and filled the pan with the batter making Creed curse.

"Boss it's burning again!"

"Shit!" Cyrus cursed turning the stove off before Creed threw a glass of water on the pan.

"What's happening?" They both turned around swiftly hearing a familiar voice. They stood in a manner that Hazel wouldn't be able to see the mess they made.

The woman stared at the giant men in confusion as one looked embarrassed while the other was smiling at her shamelessly. When Hazel woke up she didn't find Cyrus there and wasn't much surprised as he always wakes up before her.

And thinking that he might have gone to his company she decided to meet Ana as she always comes before Hazel could wake up. Washing her face she walked out only to hear weird noises and smells coming out of the kitchen. She sniffed and it seemed like a burnt smell.

She walked near them making Cyrus work up. "Sweetheart, why don't you go and take a shower? Breakfast will be ready soon." He said smiling at her making Creed give him a ridiculed glance.

A while ago his boss was ready to slaughter him alive and look at him shooting invisible hearts at his woman. Creed felt unfair. He wanted to go to his wife now.

"Cyrus what did you do?" She questioned with a poker face as it was obvious he was hiding something. Cyrus exchanged a glance with Creed who also didn't know what to do.

"Move." She said and Creed didn't waste a second before betraying his boss. He moved away from the stove earning a glare from Cyrus.

"Bitch!" He cursed under his breath glaring at Creed who skillfully ignored him.

"I think my wife wants me back. I should go. Goodbye Boss and mam." With that, he sprinted out of the kitchen leaving the flustered man alone with his disappointed woman.

"Cyrus." She said when he tried to open his mouth and explain a bit. Silently he moved away revealing the messed-up stove along with the shelves attached to it. Everything looked destroyed.

"Jesus Christ! Cyrus, what have you done?" She exclaimed staring at the messed-up condition of the kitchen with wide shocked eyes. Cyrus pursed his lips sheepishly smiling at her.

"Well I wanted to make you breakfast but I guess I messed up. A little." Hazel shot him a nasty look.

"You call this." She paused pointing to the mess he made.

"Little!" Cyrus looked away awkwardly.

"Ok, I am sorry I just wanted to cook for you. I thought it will be easy." Hazel sighed shaking her head.

"Well, what were you even trying to cook?" She said looking at the bowl that had a batter but now it was fully empty. She stared at the burnt pans only to freeze at his answer.

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