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"Stop eating! And help me." Hazel snapped at Ana who was busy munching the sandwich she stole from the caterer before he could take the food to the venue. Ana shot her an annoyed look with her cheeks puffed up.

"Then you shouldn't have overslept!" She bit back making Hazel glare at her. But she couldn't tell her why she even overslept.

After Cyrus proposed to her, she told her mother who was happy to see her daughter being overjoyed. She only had one condition and that was to let Hazel stay with her till the marriage as she wanted to marry her daughter off to Cyrus through her house.

Cyrus was fine with whatever Hazel wanted to do. Even though he didn't want her to leave his mansion but again putting a stone over his heart he thought that after a week she will return to him eventually so it was fine.

But damn the man can't stay away from her, last night he entered her room making her stunned but well it was just Cyrus' thing that he had keys to her house. He said to her that he wants to sleep with her as without her he couldn't get a peaceful sleep.

Watching his tired eyes staring at her with the hope she knew he wasn't lying. So eventually she gave up and let him throw his giant body on her small bed cuddling her like she was his bear without whom he can't sleep. The whole night he kept on asking her to talk to him.

She talked about a lot of things and God knows when they fell asleep with him attaching her to his body like she was a part of him. In the early morning, Cyrus left before anyone could wake up but not before leaving a note of how he can't wait to make her his wife.

"Wow. Hazel, you're looking beautiful." Ana said standing up and throwing the empty wrap in the dustbin.

"Finally you noticed me," Hazel said rolling her eyes. She was wearing a white beautiful wedding dress, the makeup artist did an incredible job at showcasing her beautiful emerald eyes by giving her smokey makeup. Her lips were painted with light nude lipstick.

Her hair was down with flowers adorning the back of her head. Well, the hair demand was from Cyrus. He told her that he wants her hair down. She never knew he was this obsessed with keeping her hair down. She was wearing flat sandals which were hidden under her wedding gown. She did try heels but in the end, she made up her mind. Heels are just not her cup of tea.

Hazel stood up making Ana look at her with a wide smile. Analise was also wearing a beautiful light purple gown with her hair wrapped up in a messy bun. She looked gorgeous. Her baby bump wasn't much obvious as she wasn't much far. But still, the glow on her face showed the effect of pregnancy. That was the reason Creed wasn't ready to leave her. Analise had to kick him out of the room.

"Master did a good job in selecting your dress." She said admiring the beautiful dress. Hazel chuckled remembering how he selected the dress himself. She never knew Cyrus can take part in such stuff as wedding preparations.

Well to be honest he didn't take part in the preparations. He just took part in the preparations related to her. Soon the door of her room got opened by her mother who smiled widely seeing Hazel.

"My God! You're looking so beautiful." She said admiring her daughter. Hazel indeed looked different as she usually doesn't wear make-up.

Her mother kissed her forehead before opening a box that she brought with her. "This was the necklace your father gifted me when I got married to him. So I made my mind to give it to you when you will get married." She tried to make Hazel wear it but she shook her head.

"Mom it's yours. Dad gave it to you as a symbol of your love. Keep it with you." She said grabbing the necklace and wrapping it around her mother's neck who sighed heavily.

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