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Hazel clutched the phone in her hand sparing a glance at Creed who had his back facing her. She bit her lower lip not understanding if she should call or not. Last night when Cyrus confessed to being born through surrogacy she expected him to continue and share more but he didn't. It looked like he didn't want to open up and tell her the darkest phase of his life. He simply stood up from the seat and asked her to follow him.

They both reached the room and he simply cuddled her slipping to his sleep. While Hazel wasn't able to sleep properly. She was always a curious person and after he told her about him having no idea about what love is. The look in his eyes made her more curious to know what really has happened to him?

Creed came and she asked him to hand her the phone as she wanted to call David. Only that man can answer her questions. He knows everything as per Creed's words. The stiff-man didn't even glance at her and just helped her.

Finally taking a deep breath she dialed David's number and within one ring he picked it up.

"Hello." His voice entered her ears. She opened her mouth to say something.

"Hello. I am ---"

"Hazel." He recognized her making her flicker her eyes in surprise.

"I knew you will call. So?" Hazel gulped.

"I want to meet you. You said you will tell me anything about Cyrus that I would want to know." He hummed letting the silence fall between them for a second.

"Creed will bring you to me tomorrow. Give him the phone." She looked at Creed who was already facing her. She handed him the call and the man put it over his ear.

He talked with David for a minute before hanging up the call. "Tomorrow I will take you to him. Remember I am going to tell the boss that I am taking you to the hospital as you're not feeling well. " Hazel nodded her in understanding.

Creed bowed and left the room while Hazel sighed heavily. She held her head closing her eyes. "I shouldn't be doing this." She whispered to herself being restless.

She shouldn't be poking her nose in Cyrus's matters but now she couldn't help it. She wanted to get rid of this curiosity that was messing up her mind. She wanted to assure herself that whatever he has gone through wouldn't be as horrible as compared to what he has done to her. Right?

Luckily Cyrus went out of the city for a whole day and will return in the mid of the night. So it made it easy for Hazel to make an excuse to Cyrus on the phone that she was sick and she has to go to the hospital. Cyrus wasn't sure as the danger was still around her but after Creed told him that he will take her Cyrus left the city without much worry. He trusts only Creed with Hazel more than anyone else.

Hazel opened the door of the car after reaching a hidden place in an abandoned place. She looked at Creed who gestured for her to follow him which she did. After entering the house she came face to face with smiling David who happily welcomed her.

Taking a seat on the couch near the fireplace Hazel looked at David who placed a cup of tea and a few snacks in front of her. He also served Creed a cup of tea and taking the cup Creed went out of the house giving them personal space.

"Have something, Hazel." Hazel slightly smiled nodding her head. As usual, she grabbed the chocolate cupcake taking a small bite.

"So, how much do you know about him?" His voice made her look at him.

"Nothing except that he was born through surrogacy." David nodded his head crossing his legs.

" Yes, that's true." He fell silent for a second like he was thinking about something.

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