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Cyrus blankly stared at the woman sitting in front of him who smiled at him amused at the looks he was giving her. Indirectly it felt like he was saying 'just get over with it and fuck off' but the woman already know it wouldn't be easy to get him to open up with her. After all, he wasn't someone easy to deal with.

"So Mr. Sylvester would you like to share something with me? " The woman said keeping a professional small smile over her lips but Cyrus rolled his eyes looking away from her.

Indeed Hazel asked him to take professional help and visit a psychiatrist but she never asked him to tell this creepy woman anything. He will annoy this woman so much that in the end, she will give up on him, and this way Hazel will understand only she can make him a sane person no one else. He suddenly started missing her as soon as her thought entered his mind.

Watching him trying to annoy her the woman was enough good to understand his tricks. He wasn't the first patient who was giving her a silent treatment but she knew well where to hit him.

"What do you think about Hazel?" This question made him look at her. She saw some change in him but he still didn't answer her.

"Hazel shared with me only the fact that you're suffering from mental illness but she refused to tell me anything about the trauma that made you like this. She said it's your right to share such details." The psychiatrist witnessed how a small smile appeared on his lips hearing her words.

The man who was for the past half an hour didn't show one emotion on his face just smiled at the single mention of his wife. That's something new. She had never seen any man being this much in love with his wife until she asked something she shouldn't have.

"What if someday she left you?" His smile slowly fell off as he narrowed his eyes at the woman whose smile also dropped watching how dark his gaze become.

"Who will let her leave?" His return question with such a scary voice indeed made her a little nervous.

"Someday if she left you---" Her words got cut short when a small laugh escaped his throat. It wasn't a pleasant one.

"That someday will never come. She can't leave me, no one has enough power to make her leave me, and I wouldn't let her go. So there is nothing like her leaving me some fucking day!" The psychiatrist gulped again pulling an uncomfortable smile over her lips.

"We can't say anything about the future. Don't you think you rely on her way too much?" Cyrus smirked playing with his fingers like he always does when he's bored.

"Future? What's that?" The woman frowned watching him with full interest.

"For me, your present defines your future. If you can hold the things that are yours in the present you can do that in the future as well. If she's mine now she will remain mine forever. I decide my present and future." The woman watched how his eyeballs deepen staring at the floor as he kept on speaking.

"I don't rely on her. I live for her. She's the only reason why I am sitting in front of you and hearing your bullshit otherwise I wouldn't give a damn about this useless treatment shit! She wanted me here that's why I am here." The woman stared at him observing his actions.

The silence grew between them as the psychiatrist took her full time in observing him. Playing with fingers and watching the floor something about it tells her a lot.

"You're known for being a perfect man. People define you as a perfectionist what do you think? " Cyrus chuckled looking up at her with a smug face.

"I am a perfect man. What's there to think about it? " He answered with a proud look.

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