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Author Pov

“I will have to go out of the country next week,” Cyrus informed Hazel hugging her bare body closer to his.

It has been a week since he started forcing her to sleep with him in the same room. He has no idea what’s wrong with him? But he just wants to hold her closer every night. The way her tiny figure gives him undeniable peace is something he never thought can ever be his fate.

He has placed her head over his shoulder while his arm was around her holding her closer to him. He played with her beautiful hair while informing her about his absence next week.

Hazel for a second went frigid. Even after a month and a half staying with him, she still wasn’t used to laying beside him without clothes or even with clothes on she felt uncomfortable.

She silently stayed laid with her cheek being pressed against his shoulder. She stared at the wall in front of her eyes thinking about something.

“I am telling you this because in my absence you wouldn’t go out in the garden. You will stay mostly in your room.” Hazel clenched her jaw frowning. She hates the way he treats her like she’s some kind of pet.

She flinched when he grabbed her chin pulling her face up. Her eyes met his making him raise his eyebrows and she knew what he was asking.

“Yes, I understand.” She mumbled making him smirk in response.

She might not have gotten used to his intimacy but she indeed got used to his demands. Just by looking in his eyes, she can tell what he wants to hear from her next and this thing she hates. It’s like she was becoming his puppet.

“Good.” He whispered kissing her forehead.

He stood up from the bed and just when Hazel thought she could finally go back, a surprised squeal left her lips. Cyrus picked her up bare body against his standing up from the bed. She held his shoulders for support staring at him with wide shocked eyes.

“Let’s take a shower.” She knew the meaning well. There wasn’t one place in his bedroom they didn’t have sex against. His wardrobe, dressing table, wall, and now the bathroom.

He walked inside the bathroom still keeping her secured in his arms. He gently placed her on the counter and walked towards the shower checking the water. He turned it to a normal heat level as it has been chilly for some days.

His eyes fell on her and he couldn’t stop the chuckle that flared his throat. She has pulled her legs above the counter hugging them against her chest. She was trying to hide herself.

And being a small kitten she is she easily hid her curves. Cyrus stared at her in amusement before approaching her. He stood in front of her raising his eyes brows. Hazel stared at his face not wanting to see down after all the view in front wouldn’t be pleasant. He was fully naked.

“Drop your legs down.” He commanded with a serious dark tone. Hazel hesitated.

“Right now!” Flinching at his command she instantly dropped her legs down the slab still sitting on it.

Cyrus walked closer to her grabbing her jaw. He jerked her face up to meet with his glaring dark eyes. Hazel winced seeing how dark and dangerous he was looking.

“Never!” He spat leaning to her face.

“I repeat never dare to hide yourself from me!” She gasped when he squeezed her inner thigh.

“This!” He palmed her breast giving it a hard squeeze making her whimper out.

“Is mine!” He hissed right on her face.

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