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"Come here." His deep raspy voice echoed in the empty room making her gulp down. She clutched the sides of her shorts before taking hesitant steps towards him.

Cyrus stared at her patiently watching her reaching to him with hesitant baby steps. As soon as she stood a few inches away from him he grabbed her wrist and yanked her body towards him.

Her butt fell right on his crotch. He gritted his teeth before pursuing his lips to control the hiss that was ready to leave his mouth. 

Hazel gasped out at his sudden action resulting in her whole body to stiffen. He gently wrapped one arm around her waist pulling her upwards. It felt like he was moving a baby here and there.

Her butt went up as he placed her over his inner thigh. But during the process, he had a hard time feeling her hips scrubbing his length perfectly. Taking a few deep breaths he grabbed her legs pulling them over his other thigh. 

She was completely pulled over his laps. She already knew how large and wide his body is but after sitting on his laps she realized he is way muscular and taller than she thought. She looked so small compared to him.

Even after sitting on his thigh, her face hardly reached his wide shoulders. She didn't protest nor try to push him away. She just stayed on his laps stiff and still, not even trying to relax her muscles.

Cyrus looked down at her whose eyes were staring ahead sitting straight and stiff. He could have laughed out at her awkward sitting manner but the hard-on he got because of her little ass he felt like crying over his luck.

She was near him. Over of his laps. Perfectly attach to him. But how ironic it is. He can't go back from his words as well. He promised to give her two days to make her mind. And he will never break his promises.

He suddenly pulled the side table in front of him making her flinch at the sound of the table screeching. Her eyes followed his hands as he grabbed the tray filled with food placing it on the table.

"Relax I wouldn't do anything. I promised to give you two days I mean it." Hazel finally let out a sigh of relief which didn't go unnoticed by him. Her muscles finally relaxed a bit but not completely after all she was still on his laps.

"Eat something. It's been three days you haven't touched food." He said motioning her to eat the food. Hazel looked at the tray filled with a lot of warm food.

Her mouth watered but she was still hesitant. She couldn't trust him even after his assurance and Cyrus noticed it. Hazel jolted up when he placed his large hand on her small face touching her cheek.

Turning her face to look at him her eyes voluntarily looked in his sharp ones. His thumb caressed her cheekbone but the darkness in his eyes told her he wasn't going to say something soothing.

"Better eat it with your hands or I don't mind shoving it down your throat and you know how I will do that? " He leaned to her face making her lean back a little but still her feeble attempt to create distance did no justice. 

"Using my mouth." Her innocent gaze turned into shocked ones, widening her eyes she stared at him in pure disgust and disbelief.

She instantly turned her face away from his and leaned her body forward to grab the plate of rice. He gritted his teeth feeling her ass again brushing against the wrong spot.

"Dammit!" He hissed under his breath staring at her with lust filled in his dark eyes. But the innocent fairy on his laps was too oblivious of the torture she was giving him.

She shoved the spoon in her mouth and took a deep breath internally thanking God for giving her food. Her stomach was burning in hunger and finally getting the food she wanted nothing but to shove the whole tray down her throat in a second.

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