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As soon as the words left her lips she felt a sharp pain of regret hitting her chest. She knew she shouldn't have said those words after all the man in front of her was not normal in any way. But she couldn't hold herself back without showing him the hate, disgust, and loath she has in her heart for him.

He needs to understand that her obeying him doesn't mean that she has started accepting his disgusting ways. He might have his way with her as much as he wants but she will never forget the things he did to her. She will never accept him.

Cyrus's eyes darkened even more hearing her words. His grip over her arms tightened making her wince in pain but Hazel didn't back away this time. She knew, either way, he was going to hurt her then let it be.

"Your character, your face, your mere presence infuriates me! I hate everything about you. I hate that even after wanting to run far away from you I can't do that." Cyrus gritted his teeth breathing heavily. But Hazel didn't stop there.

"Even after all the good things I have done in my life I don't even know for what sin I have got you as a Punishment!" Spitting the last sentence with full force Cyrus felt a tight slap, not on his face but on his ego, his insecurities, and more likely his heart.

His heart throbbed in pain hearing her cruel words. He tried to reassure himself that it was just her anger talking but no. Her eyes. He can never be wrong in reading her eyes. They looked sincere, honest, and full of disdain. She was indeed telling the truth. Each word held a power.

A power to crush something he thought he never had.

Hazel felt his grip loosening over her arms and taking a chance she pushed back from him taking several steps away from him scrunching her nose in disgust. Cyrus silently stared at her with a deep frown still attached to his forehead.

"I have been a religious and good person whole of my life. Then why? " This time her voice didn't hold hate but hurt. She sounded so damn helpless and pitiful.

"I never did anything bad. I even saved myself for my husband. Then why? Why did I get someone like you as my husband? " She looked up into his cold eyes with her slightly teary ones.

"I have been a loyal wife. I promised myself that I will take care of my husband. Love him, cherish him, care for him. I will give him everything I could. Then don't I deserve something similar in return? " She questioned glaring at him.

Cyrus unconsciously gulped down staring into her accusing eyes. "I wanted a loyal husband, the one who could actually respect me, love me, care for me as I do. Then why did I get a horrible man like you?" She raised her voice spitting out the last sentence expressing her disgust and hate for him.

Tears finally sprung out of her eyes while Cyrus stayed still like a statue in the same place. Her words were doing something to his heart, something he didn't want it to do but he had no control over it anymore.

"An unfaithful man. A man who forces another woman to sleep with him. Who uses her weakness just to keep her bound to him. I am ashamed to say that." She paused letting out a sob before looking into his eyes.

"My husband is unfaithful, a killer, and a rapist."

Giving a hard stroke to his heart she ran up the stairs. Even though she knew she was going to face very bad consequences for the deed she had done. But it still didn't stop her from expressing what she feels for him.

Cyrus stayed in the same spot for proper minutes before his jaw got clenched hardly. Her words kept on echoing in his head. Her eyes kept on flashing before his eyes.

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