Bonus chapter

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Cyrus Pov

I stared at my beautiful wife of mine laid beside me. Keeping my face on my palm with my elbow resting on the pillow I stared at her tired glowing face like it was the most fascinating view of the world and for me it indeed was.

A small smile was playing over my lips as my eyes traveled to the crib beside our bed where my tiny baby girl was sleeping. Yes, we had a girl. The first day when she was born I panicked thinking that our baby wasn't born normal as she was extremely tiny like she hardly reaches my elbow if I pick her up.

And made the fool out of me jumping to grab the doctor's throat thinking that something happened to my daughter. I chuckled shaking my head why am I such a fool in such matters? Hazel was hardly awake after delivery when she told me that her baby was supposed to be this tiny.

Even she was laughing at me being on the verge of unconsciousness. Creed even questioned me if I really was once his boss. I had to stop the urge to slam his head against the wall just because I didn't want to disturb my daughter and wife.

I walked near my daughter finding her playing alone. She was awake. "You're like me, don't you? You always wake up early." I whispered carefully picking her up. Even though she's already two months old but still she's so small that I feel like I will break her if I applied even a 1 percent of my strength. She's so damn tiny. Why is she so damn tiny?

Keeping her on my tattooed arm I pinched her chubby cheek making her make a cute noise that instantly widened my smile. She moved her tiny hands and clutched my hoodie. Damn, why is she so cute! My little princess.

"My little Ariana wants milk right?" I asked her and she blinked her wide doe eyes making me throw a small smile at her.

Sparing a glance at my sleeping wife I walked out to reach the kitchen. A month ago Hazel was extremely sick and I was the one who took care of both my wife and my daughter. That time Hazel taught me how to make a child's milk.

Grabbing the box of milk I started preparing it while glancing at my little princess again and again as she moved her tiny legs making sweet noises that made me keep on smiling.

Bringing her to the living room I took a seat on the couch before letting her drink the milk while gently moving her in my arms so she would sleep again. And before I knew I watched her closing her beautiful eyes that resembled her mother's. She snuggled in my arm which was double her size and fell asleep.

I smiled taking her back to the room and carefully laying her in the crib. Just when I was sure she fell asleep I stood up turning around only to find my beautiful wife trying to sit on the bed as she woke up.

"Did she wake up?" I hummed walking to the bed again. Laying on my side I stared at her who was trying to completely wake herself.

"Hazel just stay in bed. You slept so late last night because of Ariana. I will buy breakfast on my way to the company." She shook her head trying to tie her hair in a bun.

"No, I will make breakfast." She was ready to stand up when I held her arm and pulled her onto the bed making her lay flat on it. I instantly hover over her making her stare into my eyes with surprise.

"Cyrus." She placed her hands on her shoulders staring at me with her innocent eyes. Damn those eyes! Something about those eyes always makes me question how did I even get her as my wife? My innocent angel.

"I love you," I whispered and I knew the next words coming out of her lips.

"I love you too." She mumbled back smiling at me.

Don't know what's so special about those words but I just know that I want to hear them from her lips again and again. I placed my lips against hers kissing her gently which she instantly reciprocated.

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