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Analise walked fast towards Hazel's room with a bag and a bucket of dirty clothes in her hands. Just when she looked at the bucket her body came crashing against a hard chest making the things in her hand fall on the floor.

"I am sorry." Without glancing at the person she started gathering the clothes and putting them back in the bucket hastily oblivious of the eyes of the man who slowly crouched down in front of her.

She noticed a hand helping her and just when she was done with gathering the clothes she looked upright in the eyes of the man. Her light brown eyes met with the black sharp eyes of the man sitting in front of her staring at her without blinking.

Her eyes flickered in realization. She didn't bump on anybody it was the same man she never wants to come across after Cyrus he is the only one who scares everyone. Her hands started trembling when his blank eyes moved down to her parted lips.

"I-I am s-sorry sir." She bowed down her head in fear abruptly standing up holding the things in her hands.

She didn't wait for his answer as she was too scared and ran out of the place with the eyes of the man trailing behind her. He finally blinked after she disappeared from his sight. It wasn't the first time he had seen her. But indeed it was the first time he had seen her from this close.

His phone started ringing making him curse under his breath. Surpassing the fear he finally decided to take the call.

"Boss I ---"

"I want you in front of me in five minutes Creed. Or I will bury you alive." With that Cyrus hung up the call making Creed sigh heavily.

Cyrus sounded weirdly angry. Sparing the last glance at the place she disappeared he shook his head avoiding the emotions springing in his chest. She looked way too much young. Almost underage.

On the other hand, Analise entered Hazel's room only to be left frozen. Her eyes met with Hazel's emerald ones. She abruptly placed the bag and bucket on the table running towards her.

"What are you doing?" She asked in a panicked tone. Hazel sighed making another knot. She grabbed the joined bedsheets and walked towards the room's window.

But before she could throw it out Ana grabbed her arms turning Hazel to face her. She shook her head gulping down.

"Don't do this Hazel. Please don't." She said almost begging her through her eyes.

Hazel sighed removing her hands. "I can't tolerate this anymore Ana. He touches me whenever he feels like it. My emotions, my wishes, my consent doesn't even matter to him. Please Ana let me go I want to get out of this hell." She said trying to walk towards the window but Ana again stopped her.

"You wouldn't be able to be free Hazel." Hazel finally stopped looking at her.

"Everywhere is his guards standing. There are cameras in every corner. This mansion is built in an abandoned place and you know it already. If you want to get out of it you need to get out of the place from which you entered. And you know that very well it's extremely far." Hazel's shoulders slumped down in defeat.

"Trust me, Hazel. If he wants you he will find you even if you're five country's away from him. And his Punishments are cruel, bizarre, and intolerable. You haven't seen his monster side yet. And I don't want you to see it. Please don't try this." She said staring at her with a pleading gaze.

Tears started leaving Hazel's eyes as she finally took Ana's words in. Indeed she was beyond shook and numb after seeing the emotions in Cyrus's eyes yesterday but Ana wasn't wrong as well. It's obvious he seems obsessed with her he wouldn't let her go.

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