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Hazel looked around the place with confused eyes. She looked at Cyrus who gave her an assuring smile. The place looked weird. It looked like a hidden home or maybe something else. Cyrus held his hand forward for her to take and she hesitantly did.

After entering the place she realized it wasn't a hidden house instead it was a small hospital. Cyrus looked relaxed and composed while Hazel was obviously nervous. Why would he bring her to a place like this?

They stopped in front of a huge elevator making Cyrus press the button. After a long elevator ride, they reached the highest floor. She frowned finding only one room on the whole floor. Cyrus dragged her anxious figure towards that door and to her surprise, he has to use his fingerprint to open it.

Why so much security? She wondered when the door got opened. Cyrus finally looked at her and sighing heavily he motioned to enter the room. Gulping down she did as told only to be left shocked.

"Mom." A small whisper left her lips watching her mother sitting on the bed with a soup bowl laying in front of her.

Her mother woke up! She couldn't believe her eyes. Hearing the noise of the door opening her mother looked up and tears instantly filled her eyes seeing her grown-up daughter. Almost 7 years! After 7 years they finally saw each other.

"It's real, sweetheart. Go and meet her." Hearing his voice felt like he woke her up from her dream but nothing changed. Her mother was still in front of her.

Without thinking twice she ran towards her mother who opened her arms for her daughter. The doctor carefully pulled the tray away from the bed and let the mother and daughter have their time.

Cyrus looked at the doctor and motioned him to go out. After the doctor left Cyrus followed him out as well letting them have some time with each other alone.

"Mom I missed you so much." She mumbled kissing her mother's hands and face.

"My daughter." She cooed kissing her daughter's forehead again and again.

After some time of hugging and crying their eyes out, they calmed down. Hazel couldn't stop smiling while staring into her mother's emerald eyes. Hazel indeed inherited her eyes and even her soft features. Her mother wiped the tears from her cheeks shaking her head.

"I am here now my daughter. Stop crying." Hazel nodded her head before clutching her mother's hands in hers.

"Hazel, how are you, my life? Where are your grandmother and aunt? And who is that tall guy? From the time I woke up, I have only met him and he told me he will bring you to meet me. Whenever I asked him who he is to you he never answered me." Hazel nervously gulped down.

She had no idea what to answer her mother. She knew her mother will be highly disappointed with the truth and especially with the fact of how her grandmother treated her throughout the years. And how she didn't think twice before marrying her off to some rich guy for her own benefit.

And at the end of the day, her mother deserves to know everything. But not just yet. She just woke up Hazel didn't want to take any chances with her health right now.

"Mom just rest ok? I will tell you everything but not now. First I want you to become better." Her mother sighed shaking her head.

"Fine don't tell me everything but just answer my one question." Hazel nodded her head.

"Who is that guy? And why are you with him? " Hazel bit her inner cheek not knowing what to answer her. She knew she can't explain everything to her mother right now but for her assurance, she can share a little.

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