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Hearing her words Cyrus's eyes hardened which didn't go unnotice by Hazel. She gulped down watching how he glared at her before looking away.

"I am not fucking seeing any therapist or shit! I am perfectly fine." He announced before standing up from the bed. He was ready to walk out when she grabbed his wrist stopping him.

"Stop." He snapped his eyes to her shooting her a dangerous glare but surprisingly Hazel didn't coward back. She slowly stood up standing infront of him.

"You know it as well that you need help."

"That's why I am asking you to help me." She shook her head sighing heavily.

"I can't Cyrus. I am not a psychiatrist or a therapist. I know you might feel that you're more in control around me but it's just momentary. You're trying to control yourself around me because you don't want me to get scared of you anymore. But you still start throwing things here and there. You still starts screaming and thrashing around to vent out your anger because you can't control it even if you want to which shows that I can't help you. You need a professional help." She said staring in his blank eyes.

He didn't show any emotion or said anything. Hazel tried her best to read his eyes but as always he was great in hiding his emotions behind a cold wall. Gently removing her hand from his wrist he looked at her for a few seconds before walking out.

Hazel sighed sitting on the edge of the bed. She palmed her forehead closing her eyes. Maybe life was hard on Hazel but the life Cyrus has to go through was worst. She didn't want to keep on showing her back to him. That's why she thought of helping him even though she knew what he was asking for in return wouldn't be easy for her to give.

But if to help him become a better man she has to sacrifice a little then why not. But the question is, is he ready to become a better man? Because her help can never bring him back to track he needs a professional help. A strong therapy that could heal his mental instability.

She knew sitting here and running away from him wouldn't make him agree to her that's why she decided to go to him and talk the things out. Without a proper communication it's not possible for him to understand her point. She was also afraid of what if he again hurt himself as it was obvious he was trying to control himself from showing any emotions infront of her.

Walking towards his office she slowly opened the door finding him standing infront of the window with a wine glass in his hand. She heaved out a sigh of relief when the condition of the office was fine. He didn't thrash anything.

She slowly entered the office and walked near the table with baby steps. Cyrus heard her but didn't say or do anything. He just took another sip of his wine staring at nothing. Hazel clutched her night dress staring at his back.

"I am ready to treat you as my husband for a whole month just like you want. I will forget everything happened in the past for this month. I will try my best to be a good wife for you. If I am ready to do this much then can't you do a little for me." Cyrus still didn't reply her. Hazel looked down licking her lips.

"It's not even for me. It's for you Cyrus. Only for you." Finding him still standing there silently and unbothered she closed her eyes shaking her head in disappointment.

She shouldn't have come here. He seems like he's not even hearing her. Turning around she tried walking out when suddenly she heard a loud crack. Snapping her head to his direction her eyes widened watching him crushing the wine glass in his fist. Blood started oozing out of his hand making her run to him.

"W-What have you done?" Cyrus blinked coming out of his daze when she touched his hand. He loosened his fist letting the glass pieces fell on the ground.

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