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Hazel paced back and forth in her room thinking about the conversation she had with Sophia about Ana. She was dead worried for that young girl. Even though she wanted to believe that it wasn't because of her escape that Ana had gotten into trouble but still somewhere in her heart she knew Cyrus knew about everything.

From the time she started planning the escape he knew everything. She should have listened to Analise. How can she be so foolish to not understand how powerful and cunning that man is? Ana was right all along. There is no match for Cyrus's power.

Because of her desperation to get away from him, she threw Ana in danger as well. She was away from this house for 5 days and it's been almost two days since she came back. That means Analise has been taken away by Cyrus's man for a week.

"God please keep her safe." Hazel knew if anything happened to Ana Because of her she will never be able to forgive herself. This guilt will kill her. The regret of sleeping with a man who's not her husband is already making her think of herself as a sinner each second. And now this too.

She's not ready to take another burden over her shoulders. She can't afford to adorn another sin over her head. She stood in front of the window staring out of it.

She has a mild fever and a sore throat but she still didn't want to sleep. She was waiting for Cyrus to come, so she could ask him about Ana. She was scared yes, but she was more scared for Ana. She didn't want to face him but for Ana, she wanted to do anything.

Rubbing her forehead she spared a glance at the clock which finally hit 2 am. He told her he will be late but she didn't think this much late. Her body was heating up with each passing minute in anticipation.

Finally, her eyes flickered in relief when she heard the honk of his car. She wasn't sure if he will come to her room but still hoping that he will she stayed standing near the window staring at the door.

After a few proper minutes, she let out a sigh of disappointment. He didn't come. For a second she thought of jumping in the bed and just traveling to her dreamland but the burden over her heart didn't let her. She was extremely worried for Ana and she knew she wouldn't rest assured till she will know where is Ana?

Sighing heavily she opened the door and walked towards Cyrus's room which was extremely near hers. She bit her lower lip anticipating at the thought of seeing him. Facing that beast was something she never wants but right now she has to. Yes, for Ana.

Closing her eyes she knocked at the door a few times and waited a second. "Come in." His raspy voice entered her ears making her gulp down.

She turned the knob with her trembling hand opening the door. She meekly entered the room only to find his half-naked body standing in front of the mirror. The man loves himself too much.

Now she was regretting. She shouldn't have come here. Just when she thought of turning around and running away Cyrus turned his body towards her matching his gleaming grey eyes with her uncertain emerald ones.

"Isn't it my sweet Hazel?" A small frown appeared before Hazel's forehead in confusion. He sounded weird.

He started walking towards her making her clutch the sides of her dress but reminding herself about Ana, she didn't step back. Cyrus was surprised to see her not moving back for the first time.

"You didn't sleep?" He questioned removing the distance between them. Just when he was a step away her tiny waist got caught by him pulling her deeply in his arms.

She gasped out in surprise grabbing his bare shoulders for support. But just when she came back from her shock she removed her hands. She had to remind herself again and again that he doesn't like to be touched. But only if she knew he doesn't like anyone's touch except hers.

"You didn't answer me, sweetheart." He rasped out nuzzling his head in her crook and letting out a small grunt of pleasure. How much he missed hugging her like this!

"I-I wanted to ask you about something." He hummed kissing her neck earning a small flinch from her.

"So you were waiting for me." Hazel's frown deepen when she smelled something from him.

Alcohol. He's drunk. She scrunched up her nose in disgust. Hazel was never a fan of alcohol. Moreover, her family wasn't well of to buy such expensive drinks. Her hands itched to push him away but she didn't.

"What do you want to say? I am eager to know." He indeed was, after all his little angel never waited for him for anything. Then now what is it so important that made her wait for him till midnight?

"I-I want to ask about Ana. I mean Analise." Cyrus slowly opened his sinister eyes still keeping his head in her crook.

"The one who helped you escape me. Hmm." Her breathing accelerated. She was right. He knew about Ana helping her.

"Y-Yes." He hummed.

"What about her?" He inquired moving his hand to her hair that was tied up in a messy bun.

"Where is she?" He chuckled pulling the clip off her hair and letting her semi-curly hair fall over his face. He inhaled sharply closing his eyes once again.

"Where she should be." She gulped.

"Please where is she? It's not her fault. I forced her to help me." He once again chuckled pulling away from her.

"You know you're not a good liar." He mumbled coming face to face with her.

"I appreciate her attachment with you darling. After all, she was ready to give up on her life knowing very well the consequences of helping you." He whispered removing the strand of her hair and placing his rough palm over her cheek.

"But she still betrayed me. And I hate betrayal. Loyalty is something I can't compromise on." He rasped out leaning closer to her and pecking her cold lips. She flinched raising her eyes to him.

"It's really not her fault. Please punish me. But tell me where is she?" He tilted his head to the side squinting his eyes.

"You seem so worried about her. But you know." He mumbled pecking her nose earning another flinch from her.

"I don't forgive traitors." Her eyes started tearing up. She was having the worst thoughts about Ana.

"Do whatever you want to do with me. Just let her go. I promise I will never run away. I will do anything you say but please let her go." He said nothing only stared at her with his psychotic gaze.

He suddenly took a step closer to her making her stumble back. Keeping his arm around her waist he picked her up making her hold his shoulders in surprise. Taking only two long strides he fell on the bed pulling her along with him.

She gasped out feeling crushed under his heavy body. But in a second he held his weight upon his arms but didn't move away from her. His hands stayed beside her head caging her between his arms.

Hazel slowly opened her glossy emerald stones meeting with his obsessive grey ones. He leaned down to her cheek brushing his lips against her flesh.

"Anything?" He mumbled making her gulp down. She slowly nodded her head.

"Analise is safe. I had fired her but she's with someone trustworthy so don't worry. I knew you wouldn't like it if I harmed her so I didn't." He mumbled kissing her cheekbone.

She let out a sigh of relief but still, she was nervous about what he will ask her after all she wrote her fate away. He moved his face closer to her matching the tip of his nose with hers.

"You said you will do anything. I will hire Analise once again only if you do something I will ask." She gulped nodding her head making her nose caress against his.

Hazel knew Ana was an orphan and she needed a place to stay. Even though away from this hell hole would be better but she still wasn't sure if Ana was safe with that trustworthy person.

"Marry me."


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