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Two days went away in a blur. All Hazel did was stay locked in the room given to her. Her food was brought by the same woman who helped her the day she entered this mansion.

The woman looked sympathetic to her. Her name is Sophia. She's at the same age as her aunt. Sophia was sold to that wolf by her own husband. She was an orphan and the only man she ever trusted was her husband but that man to pay the debt of that wolf left Sophia here and divorced her.

Hazel expected some hateful curses for that man whose name she still doesn't know. Everyone calls him master or boss or sir. No one calls him by his name or surname.

But what left Hazel confused and baffled was Sophia actually being thankful to that man. She said she was just thankful that he didn't kill her or throw her in some brothel. He kept her here as a servant and asked only one thing from her.


He promised to give her the respect she wants even as a servant. No man will try to do anything with her. But being his servant she just needs to be loyal to him. That's all he asked from her. And from the past 6 years of her being here, she has earned a lot of trust from him.

Sophia on the first day warned Hazel to never go back on her words. What he hates the most are lies and betrayal. If she has said yes to give in to him then do it. She also suggested Hazel to obey him. The more submissive and obedient she will be, the faster he will be tired of her.

Hazel at first thought of trying to find an escape but after hearing Sophia's words she knew there was no way out for her. She can't risk it too. If he came to know about her having a family he will definitely use them just to make her do whatever he wants. And it could turn worst so it's better to stay here.

According to Sophia he always gets tired of his woman in a month. Ella was exceptional. But Sophia was sane enough to not tell Hazel about Ella yet. It will be Cyrus's decision if he wants his both women to meet or not.

Hazel stared at the dark sky with her sad emerald eyes. The window was securely locked up from outside. Sometimes she feels suffocated staying in this room but due to the fear of coming face to face with that wolf, she retrained herself.

She sighed heavily remembering her mother. She wasn't a bit concerned about her grandmother. She did miss her aunt but she knew her aunt will be fine. All her concern was directed towards her mother.

He even had broken her phone and sim. The number of that man who took her sign on marriage papers was stored in that sim. And she doesn't remember the number. How will she be able to know her mother's condition now?

This thought was adding to her worry. She has no idea how her mother must be. She knew that nameless husband of hers had taken the responsibility and he also seems rich. But she still doesn't trust him and how can she? He never gave her any reason to.

Her train of thoughts wiped away as soon as she heard the sound of the door opening. She fisted her nightdress in dread. Sophia has given her a few dresses of hers and they quite fit her just a little problem Hazel was skinnier than Sophia.

She didn't turn around and stayed rooted staring at the window. Her eyes looked away from the moon when she witness two palms coming forward and being placed on the railings of the window.

He attached his cheek against hers still keeping her body caged in his arms. She smelled the stinking scent of alcohol from his mouth and that made her disgusted. Is he gonna touch her being drunk?

"Don't worry I am sober enough to know what I am doing or gonna do. " His deep raspy whisper entered her ears making her tighten her grip on her nightdress.

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