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"You're looking beautiful." Analise complimented Hazel who was already in her gown with her hair tied up in a messy bun. She smiled weakly at Ana who frowned at her.

"What happened?" Hazel shook her head.

"Ana is something you want to tell me?" Hazel questioned as she noticed from the time Ana came here she looked quiet and tensed.

"Nothing that will concern you." She replied smiling but Hazel wasn't buying it making Ana finally spill the beans.

"It's about the master." Hazel's eyes flickered when she mentioned Cyrus.

"What about him?" She questioned making Ana surprised at how eager Hazel sounded.

"Well, he has a flight tonight. He's leaving." Hazel frowned. Cyrus always travels to different countries and cities. What's there to be tensed?

"To never return." This stopped her heart. She looked at Ana slightly shocked.

"W-What do you mean?" Ana sighed.

"Last night he dismissed me saying he's going and might never come back. Creed said there is nothing for him to stay here anymore. He's giving Creed responsibility of handling the matters in this country." Hazel's eyes dropped to the floor as she blinked silently trying to digest the information Ana told her.

"Anyways, I think you're soon-to-be fiance must be here. I will go and check." Hazel nodded absent-minded and Ana went out.

Hazel slots sit up on the bed staring at the floor with a tense gaze. He might never come back. Is he doing this because of her? No, why would he do this? Then why is he going away? And why does the thought of not hearing about him again was playing with her mind?

She closed her taking a deep breath trying to relax her racing heart. Soon after a few minutes, her mother asked her to come down and she did finding Eric talking with guests. The engagement will start in a few minutes.

She met Eric and somewhat felt guilt in her heart. Eric might be a little blunt and immature man but he was still good at heart. He seemed genuinely interested in her while her. She just couldn't herself to even feel the slightest happiness with this marriage.

Eric's every try to get her interested in this engagement failed each time. His smiles, excitement, and even the happiness with engagement just couldn't reach her. Her heart felt empty. She was getting everything she once wanted yet her heart was empty. Not even the slightest happiness was there.

She knew Eric is like a guy that can be easily colored in your way. He's handsome, rich, and even likes her. Nothing's wrong with him. She's the problem here. Her heart is the problem. Her troublesome feelings are the problem.

Suddenly her eyes snapped to an unfamiliar man who was holding a baby in his arms trying to calm the baby. A small smile appeared over Hazel's lips watching a man similar to a giant in both height and physique making faces to calm his crying baby. She chuckled before hesitantly approaching him.

"Hey." The man turned his head to her and the soft look he had turned into an extremely grim one. Damn, he's scary! Well, not scarier than Cyrus though. She shook her thoughts away before smiling at him.

"I can help you." She said motioning at the baby in his arms who was still crying loudly. The man hesitated but then finally he forwarded the baby in her arms.

He placed the baby in her arms extremely gently like he was afraid of harming his baby. Hazel smiled before hushing the baby and surprisingly it took her only a minute to hush the baby.

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