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Author Pov
Warning: Triggering Content Ahead.

Hazel slowly peered her swollen eyes open feeling a thumping pain in her head. She felt a heavyweight over her wrists as she tried moving them but to no avail. Steadily she blinked a few times letting her sight meet with a cemented familiar floor.

She squeezed her eyes trying to clear the blurry sight and finally pulling her head up reality came crashing on her like a heavy mountain. Her eyes met with his figure sitting on the chair.

She remembered being shoved into the back of the car and the next moment he forced her to inhale something. After she only remembers blacking out and waking up here. In a familiar yet traumatizing surrounding.

Cyrus was sitting on the chair a few feet away from her wearing no shirt flexing his tattooed upper body. It was almost like he knows how his tattooed body scares her and that's why he didn't care to come in front of her all covered.

A small gasp left from her lips dragging her body backward pressing her back against the wall, even more, when her eyes fell on a creature standing in front of him.

A dog. Not just a dog but a german shepherd extremely huge yet dangerous looking dog. The dog was continuously snarling at her making weird noises that didn't fail to terrorize her.

She moved her legs to scoot back even more but her attention got caught by the clacking sound of chains. Her swollen wide eyes fell on her wrists which were canned with heavy chains.

Even her one leg had a sharp chain leaving no chance for her to even move from her place. Sitting on the dirty floor she understood she was in a basement. Again. But this wasn't the same room in which he kept her when he caged her the first time. It was different. Darker, fearsome, and.

Bloodier. There were bloodstains on the four dirty walls of the contracted room. This room doesn't even have the small hole that the other one had. She knew he's gonna punish her and this time it will be more brutal than ever.

Her eyes started tearing up and soon she raised them to meet with the devil sitting there. He was silent observing her all the time. Not from the time she woke up but from the time when he brought her.

He didn't leave her side for even a second. After forcing her to inhale chloroform he threw her body over his shoulder and brought her straight to the basement. He didn't care to think about showing mercy on her for even a second.

He brought her to the second cruelest room he had in his basement. This basement was not for torture but the worst. He uses this basement to build fear in his enemies not by torturing them but by playing with their minds.

He wouldn't harm her physically, he was never a fan of doing so. What's the fun in planting marks over the body when you can stamp your fear in the soul. That's what he will do with her.

Cyrus has understood one thing. He wouldn't let her go. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever. Fuck everything! He didn't care how dangerous it will be to drag her into his life, he needs her. She has become something addicting to him that he can't let go of.

And if to keep her with him he has to drill his fear in her veins then let it be. The more she will fear him, the more she will obey him. That's what his fucked up mind decided.

After chaining her body he placed her back against the wall sparing her a single glance before walking away from her. He knew if he kept on gazing at her face this close he wouldn't be able to hold himself back from taking her back to his room.

He will take her back but not before drilling the thought of never leaving him again in her head. He removed his coat and shirt tossing them to the corner of the room before ordering his men to bring one of his most vicious dogs.

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