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Author Pov

"I wanted to throw a party for you. A royal celebration but then I remembered." He paused turning his eyes towards her. Kissing her cheek he continued.

"My wife is really a simple person and she will definitely not like being a center of attention. That's why I decided to arrange this simple lunch for us." He said finally releasing her from his hug.

Hazel just stared at the decoration with blank eyes. She did use to celebrate her birthday with her parents and after them with her aunt. But she was more surprised to see how much he knows about her. She indeed hates royal celebrations where too many people will give her attention. She always preferred a simple birthday.

Her eyes flickered in surprise when she saw the dishes placed on the table. All of them were covered except for cake and a plate of cupcakes. It has several kinds of flavors.

She looked up at him who carefully lighten the candle and smiled at her motioning her to cut the cake. She walked near the table only for the wind to wipe away the fire from the candle. Cyrus glared at the cake before again lightening it up.

And again wind did its work making the psycho angrier. "Fucking hell!" He cursed again starting the lighter but this time even the fire on the lighter got wiped away.

He was about to smash the cake when Hazel held his wrist with her tiny palm. He snapped his burning gaze towards her finding her already looking at him with uncertain eyes.

"Let me." She whispered motioning him to hand her the lighter. Gulping his anger down he handed her the lighter but not before glaring at the candle.

She stepped forward and wrapped her one small palm around the candle making a wall. She slowly lightens up the candle and it happened again, the wind wiped the fire off twice but she didn't stop trying making him stare at her with surprise. He couldn't understand how can she be so calm. All he wanted was to grab the cake and threw it off the balcony. But seeing how she was trying to light it up even after failing again and again. He decided to bury his anger and annoyance for her.

Leaning down to her level he wrapped his large palm around the candle making another wall around it. Hazel looked right into his eyes finding his face extremely closer to her. He gestured for her to light it up and she did successfully.

He didn't move his hands away and taking the cue Hazel blew the candle making him finally smile in relief. "Happy birthday sweetheart." He whispered still staying at the same spot holding her hands in his around the candle.

Hazel stared into his eyes for a few seconds before blinking her eyes and hesitantly pulling her hands away from his. Cyrus also blinked coming out of his daze. He straightened his back and grabbed the knife extending to her.

Hazel cut the cake and placed a piece on the plate extending to him. Cyrus chuckled deeply shaking his head. "I don't like sweets." With that, he took a seat on the chair making her pull the plate back.

She took two bites of the cake before placing the rest of the cake securely on the plate. He stared at her with soft eyes. He watched how her eyes kept on moving back to the cupcakes. A small smile appeared over his lips watching her look so hesitant. God! she's adorable.

"Everything on this table is your darling. Eat anything you want." Hazel gulped before giving up on her temptation and grabbing a chocolate cupcake. She started nibbling on it while Cyrus did nothing except watch her.

He was hungry but watching her seems more important to him right now. She finished the first cupcake and was about to grab another when he witnessed her going still for a second. She covered the lid of the cupcakes before opening the other dishes.

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