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Two days went away in a blur and Cyrus didn't even let her breathe properly. He looks exactly like a wolf in his heat. Hazel had to beg him, in the end, to stop, and thankfully he did even though reluctantly but he did.

"Here." He placed the tray filled with food on her laps along with placing two pills on the tray.

Hazel wanted to do all of this on her own but he restricted her saying she needs rest. He went extremely rough on her. Cyrus was shocked as well at how needy he was for her. Each time he looked into her innocent eyes all he wanted was just to be inside her while gazing into her beautiful eyes.

She looked up at him in confusion after seeing the pills. Cyrus understood her expressions and took a seat beside her on the bed.

"This one is a painkiller and this one is for birth control." Her ears and nose flushed red at his words. She almost forgot he had been cumming inside her.

She was about to grab the pills but he held her wrist and shook his head.

"Not yet. First, eat something. Taking these pills empty belly will hurt your stomach." She nodded and started eating breakfast.

She wasn't even able to eat properly feeling the weird sensations in her stomach and aching pain in her legs. She finished the breakfast making Cyrus sigh.

"You eat like a bird." He said handing her the glass of water and the pills. She took them and looked up at him.

How can he expect her to eat something in peace when he's doing nothing except gazing at her like a creep? He removed the tray and placed it on the side table.

He switched the lamp off and leaned closer to her body making her whimper. She didn't want him to do that again. She was already heavily sore. She wouldn't be able to handle it.

Cyrus heard her and chuckled. He looked down at her before purposely leaning forward making her still in her spot. He grabbed his bracelet that was laying on the bed beside her and leaned completely away from her.

"Relax woman. I know I went too rough on you. Now take rest." Saying he kissed her cheek making her flinch.

"You should take as much as rest you can. Because." He stared into her eyes with his dark ones.

" I can't promise you when will I again end up pouncing on you. " Whispering those words he smirked at her tensed figure and walked out of the room.

Hazel finally let out a sigh of relief and slowly laid down on the bed. Without her realizing tears started streaming down her eyes. She squeezed her eyes shut as a cracked sob left her lips.

She clutched her mouth using her palm not wanting any voice to escape it. Her body was indeed in pain but the hurt her heart and dignity felt was unbearable.

She slowly turned her body to the side curling up in a ball. She had no idea what crime she ever had done to deserve this? Wasn't she a good person? She never even said any word behind anyone's back then why?

Was being innocent this much big crime? She had no idea who to blame? And after getting a conclusion she finally accepted who to blame. No one is to be blamed but that man who doesn't even consider someone a human. 

Soon she fell asleep with wet cheeks and swollen eyes oblivious of what she has done to that man from whom she wants to escape so badly.

"Damn I feel so good!" Cyrus flexed his half-naked tattooed body before smirking at the memories of her writhing under him. The way her small body fit so perfectly against his buff one flared his insides.

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