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Feel the chapter listening to this song.

Author Pov

Cyrus smiled kissing his wife's forehead who was sleeping soundly on the couch. This woman and her pregnancy hormones. She falls asleep anywhere after she got pregnant. No matter if it's a chair, sofa, or even wardrobe.

Shaking his head he covered her with a blanket letting her sleep as much as she want. He bought donuts for her as she was whining from the morning for them. Seems like his child is going to be addicted to donuts like their mother is obsessed with cupcakes.

Placing the donuts in the kitchen he decided to take a shower. Today he had a meeting with his people as he needed to inform them about his decision of stepping down from the Mafia's position. After getting ready in his unusual suit he pinned the lion brooch on the collar of his coat.

He styled his hair backward revealing his scar which indeed gave him a more dangerous look. Just when he was fully ready he grabbed the bracelet Hazel gifted him and with a small smile, he slipped it around his wrist.

"Cyrus." He instantly turned his attention towards the door only to chuckle out in amusement.

Hazel was standing there with her sleeping eyes, the blanket he covered her with was wrapped around her shoulders and head. She looked adorable. He walked in near her cupping her cheeks finally making her examine him with her sleepy eyes.

"Wow! You look so different." She said staring at him with a curious pout. He didn't waste a second and pecked her lips which didn't surprise her.

"How are you feeling?" She nodded her head.

"I am fine but where are you going? You never got this much ready." He held his head up leaning away from her.

Walking near the mirror he once again checked himself before replying to her. "I will tell you everything after coming back." She walked towards him standing in front of him.

"Are you going on some mission?" He chuckled looking down into her eyes. Her doe eyes looked so curious. Her cheeks were chubbier than before. Pregnancy has made her cuter.

"My curious kitten. Stop worrying about me. It's just an important meeting. I will tell you about it after coming back." He said grabbing her waist and turning her around making her back hit his chest.

He back hugged her placing his chin over the blanket that was covering her shoulder. They both stared at their reflection and automatically a small smile appeared over Hazel's lips as well.

"I can't wait to hold my baby in my arms." He whispered caressing her slightly swollen bum. Hazel was 4 months pregnant already. She had a small baby bum but it wasn't much evident as she prefers wearing oversized baggy clothes.

Kissing her cheek for the last he pulled away and straightened his coat and checked the brooch. "Alright, I am going now. Take care of yourself. And your donuts are in the kitchen." And that's it she didn't know who he was anymore as completely ignoring his presence she dashed out of the room to reach her donuts making him sigh in distress.

"Woman be careful!" He said loudly but he knew she wouldn't listen anyways.

Chuckling he walked out of the house and made his way towards the car and was about to sit in it when Hazel ran out with her cheeks puffed up as she was eating a donut. Even her hands had chocolate all over as she waved at him.

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