33. With you

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I so wanted to post today, so wrote this small update. Hope you all like it.


It was already a tiring day for Nandini but right when she reached her home, she didn't expect her mother to be also home. She should've known after seeing all those cars and security outside but Nandini just turned blind eye to them as she parked her car.

As Nandini entered her home or what people call a mansion, her mother's secretary greeted her showing respect. She nodded at the secretary and other staff, then continued to walk away even after seeing her mother coming out of her office room.

She saw her mother shooking hands with some men and women who look like they came from an I.T industry, their ids around their necks telling her that. Some talk about permissions and money.

Nandini increased her speed as she went towards the stairs, just to go to her room as soon as she can all while ignoring Renuka. Just to avoid the conversation. And she knows her mother already noticed her.

Renuka called her name but it didn't work, Nandini didn't turn back.

"Where's your manners, Nandini?" she heard her mother's angry voice as the others left the hall except for the servants and her mother's secretary.

"What do you want?" Nandini groaned, she is already tired. She is not in the mood to deal with her mother now. It's been a long day.

And she has to leave also, she just came to drop by here and collect her things for the weekend break.

Seeing her daughter's disinterested face, "There is a charity event going on for your hospital?" Renuka smirked knowing that this will make her daughter show interest who is now on her way to her room.

Nandini turned back but didn't come down from the stairs, still looking down at her mother, "How did you know?", she hissed.

But of course, her mother loves to play with her mind, "I just know", Renuka shrugged with a smile.

Renuka smiled once again like a snake, that smile makes Nandini feel like there is going to be something bad, it makes her feel that her so-called mother is again plotting something against her. She already knows her mother spies on her.

Nandini just looked at her mother, then calmed herself down. "Then why are you confirming with me?" she asked with a blank face.

Renuka gestured at her secretary, that guy came and gave her the envelope. "Let's go to the event together, I can officially introduce to the people there that you are my daughter", she said by flashing that envelope in front of Nandini.

That made Nandini come down the stairs as she roughly pulled that envelope from her mother's hands and Renuka let her do it. Nandini opened the envelope, it's an invite, to their hospital charity event, sent by the chairman of the hospital Dr. Rajeev.

Her hands clutched the invite tight, crumpling it as she stood in front of her mother, "Stop joking", Nandini warned.

Opposite to what Nandini is feeling, Renuka seemed to be feeling delighted, "I am not, and the dress is already been selected, you have to wear it", as she patted her daughter's shoulders gently but Nandini knows better.

It's her way of warning her, to listen to her.

Renuka is goddamn smart, she will smile while she sweeps the rug from where you're standing, making one vulnerable gently is her specialty. And Nandini learned it a hard way.

"No, thank you", Nandini smiled, not to trigger her mother more but also not to let her rule her life. With that, she went up, towards her room.

Laying on her perfectly organized bed and staring at the plain roof, Nandini sighed, she deserves her rest. Not to get stressed more.

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