39. This is how you fall in love

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Manik saw Nandini standing there in the living room, without moving an inch and not a word she said. She is just there like a frozen statue, staring blankly at the closed door after her mother left.

He tilted his head in confusion as he didn't hear what her mother whispered lastly to Nandini before she left, so he went towards her and from the back, tapped lightly on her shoulder, "You okay?"

Nandini stared back at him with no emotion, then she jerked as if she is back in this world. "I always think I am ready to face her but surprisingly I never am", she admitted looking like she is in some deep thought.

Manik held her shoulders with both of his hands and made her sit on the couch, then sat beside her. She is not looking at him instead she is staring at her own hands in her lap with her head down. 

He nudged her chin gently to make her look at him, "Wanna talk about it?" Manik asked her hesitatingly, he is never good at with dealing emotions. He himself doesn't, he just locks his emotions and throws them away.

Until Nandini came along, she forced him to feel those emotions and he forced himself to admit that yes, he does like her for real. And if she hurts him, he just has to deal with it at this point. 

Because he is the one who allowed her into his life. He was afraid at first, but he doesn't regret it. 

Because liking her feels nice and doing things to make her smile feels content. Cooking a simple breakfast for her feels like he won something in his life.

Nandini sighed as she held his hand in hers and started telling him about her parents.

Renuka is the daughter of Narayana Murthy, Nandini's grandpa. The day Renuka was born, his election results were also out on the same day. And he won the elections for the first time in his ten years of politics, becoming the Chief Minister of Karnataka, the same day his daughter was born.

Even though it's all luck or coincidence, that only made him love his daughter even more, so no wonder he raised Renuka like she is his precious jewel.

Renuka is the perfect daughter, confident and proud, a top student with a strong personality. Never knew what a stage fear was, always good in debates and elocutions. Then in college, at Madras University, she met Nandini's father.


He has no one and came to college on a scholarship. Ajay used to get bullied a lot but couldn't go against those rich spoiled brats because of the fear of losing his scholarship. So, he endured silently until he met Renuka who stood up. With her, he started Anti-ragging and Anti-bullying campaigns, it gained a lot of attention. 

Renuka became the first woman president of that university and Ajay is the vice president.

Just like that, they fell in love. It was so simple and natural, like yin-yang, they balance out each other's weaknesses and when they come together, they are just perfect.

Ajay is timid and introverted, he loved Renuka for being so fierce yet pure at heart. Renuka loved Ajay wholeheartedly because in her entire life she finally met a man who didn't see her as dominating and tried to control her.

Ajay's ego never came in between, he is always happy with her winning.

He never cared if she stood on the top step, he followed her, just a step behind her, ready to catch her if she falls. Renuka might be this strong independent ambitious woman but Ajay became her pillar.

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