48. Mind on fire

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I created an insta finally. My Twitter got suspended because some people reported me or I don't know. Anyways it sucks because I really enjoyed interacting with everyone and talking about MaNan.

Insta id- beyond_moon6 , I will post some snippets or updates or just interact for fun.


Karan received a call from Pratap, his old friend and currently the board member of the National Medical Committee. It's been long and it was a sudden call but they had a brief talk as Pratap went on praising his son's skills. 

As a father, Karan felt proud to hear all the praises his strict friend sang about Manik. 

Then Pratap continued to apologize for not taking his side and being a bad friend, for not questioning the board during the cancelation of Manik's license without enough proof.

And then Pratap continued how it's so absurd that such a talented doctor like his son, that too from such a family heritage, how can they accuse Manik that he is a criminal and selling organs on the red market. 

It doesn't make sense to anyone. And also how the case was closed suddenly out of nowhere just like that in a day.

Pratap and Karan talked about what happened to Manik, it was crazy as if someone deliberately tried to put Manik's career down, and then after some time, they changed their minds just like that.

Karan is already on it, Manik told him that he found everything suspicious. But he advised Karan to be careful with digging because Manik already suspects someone. 

Manik refused to reveal who that someone he is thinking of to Karan. 

But his son did say if the culprit is the one whom he is thinking of, then as easily as they played with his career, they are capable of doing this to his lover, Nandini too.

And Manik doesn't want to drag her into this mess, so that's why he said to keep it under rugs until they have the name with evidence.

Karan asked Pratap if he knows who is behind this but his friend has no idea as he just got orders from the higher-ups. It means they need more digging because that someone Manik thinks of, it seems that they hold a lot of power. And bought so many people to be under their command.

Manik is aware that what happened to him is unfair but still, he told Karan to keep calm because they have a lot to lose. 

Even though not many people know, that person easily managed to reveal their relationship as father and son on news channels, it did no damage but it stirred up a lot of things. Being a son of Karan and heir to the Mythri's foundations is okay. 

But what if it's Shreya next time? it will ruin her career. 

And what if they touch his fiance, Nandini next time, what if they cancel her license or one of his friends? 

 It's clear that they can do it so easily but intentionally choose not to, like playing a game.

That's why Manik told him to pretend like nothing happened, he told Karan to keep a low profile and take time, to gather evidence slowly. 

And that's what Karan is doing these days, after all, he has lots of connections too and lots of people who are envious of him, keeping in mind who can mess with his son's life like this and who the hell actually has that much power in their hands. He is trying his best to find out who exactly it is.

So that when his son strikes back, that 'someone' ends up in a place where it is impossible to touch him or his loved ones again.


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