52. Bridges

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Here I am as promised before the day is over (almost) he he :)

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Renuka was at home, in the morning she just had her breakfast and got the tablet from her secretary. She read the new important articles, the usual stuff regarding her party workers and opposition parties, the speeches they give against her. 

Elections are near and of course, everyone is ready with their weapons out. The most common thing they do is point fingers and roasting their opposition party. With Renuka, it's a bonus because she doesn't get criticized, no, they had to drag her father too.

This is not the first time and this is not going to be the last time, Renuka is used to it. Especially because she is a female widow politician. 

There are so many vultures ready to drag her to the mud all the time, some privately try to take advantage of her and some are just cunning wolves who are ready to backstab her the moment she loses her power. It's dirty. 

Of course, she knows. 

But Renuka is not an innocent prey, nope, she is a predator. All her life she observed politics under her father's guidance, she knows what cards she has to play to get what she wants.

And this time, for the coming election, Renuka is going to give a tough competition to be the next chief minister.

Everything is going according to her plan and everything is in control. If it goes like this, Renuka has no doubt about her winning, she is the top candidate with lots of people's favoritism. And she always does her campaigns, addresses people wherever she goes.. it's all something she does like a routine. 

And the business deals she had, all of them are successful which means she also has more than enough money to invest as a party fund. Now she just has to wait and let the things go by the flow.

However, the only concern she has is her daughter.


Apparently, that girl resigned from her job which she loves a lot, and left the city which is also her favorite city. Renuka sometimes doesn't understand Nandini, how come this girl survives in this world wearing her heart on her sleeve all the time while she is her daughter? 

Renuka herself doesn't know when was the last time she cared for emotions or listened to her heart but then there is her daughter who sacrificed her relationship for her lover's job's sake. 

And now she is throwing her own career and life, this time for no one or is it still for that rude doctor, she has no idea.

Renuka checked the location where her daughter was staying and she scoffed hard, wow, Nandini really knows how to hit her straight at where it hurts even if it is unintentional.

That's when her secretary came running to tell her about the visit of the uninvited guest into her home and she looked at the guy whom she was just cursing. He is the culprit. His whole family is a mess. 

And if they really got engaged and the news about his mother came out, tangling Renuka into it right before the elections, then she is done. This guy is like a walking time bomb.

Yet she saw him coming forward to her coolly with his sunglasses and sat in the chair that was in front of her, "Hi", Manik gave her the fakest smile.

Renuka narrowed her gaze, the one thing she had hated about this young guy since she met is his unwavering confidence. People like this don't faze easily, they're stubborn and strong-minded. 

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