7.New feelings

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{What Nandini usually wears to Hospital, she is all about trousers or jeans with decent yet simple tops

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{What Nandini usually wears to Hospital, she is all about trousers or jeans with decent yet simple tops. Her styling mantra is "Comfort comes first"}

This week has been hectic, their schedules are tightly packed. Some days, surgeries are already preplanned and other times, emergency surgeries. Manik performed surgeries almost every day, if Nandini is feeling tired she doesn't even want to imagine what must be Manik is going through. 

Still, whenever he has a free schedule, Manik insisted Navya allot him in the ER, or else he is busy with assisting other senior doctors when they're performing any complicated surgeries. He said it's all works for experience and he learns a lot. Even if he is not in the operation room, she finds him case studying in his office or dozing off.

Today has also been a very busy day, they all just came out from the operation room. Operation is done by Dr. Manik under the monitoring of their senior doctors including Dr. Rajeev, it was one of the longest surgery spinal osteomyelitis surgery. Any surgery that is done is on the spinal cord is a little difficult because you need to be extra careful or the patient may lose their ability to walk again. And this surgery is due to vertebral infection, as in spinal tissues are attacked by some virus or bacteria and infected that area. It is a rare and serious operation. And their goal is to clean and remove the infected tissue, enable the proper blood flow, then finally restore the spinal stability.

 Usually, all their surgeries are scheduled in the early morning like this one too and by the time surgery is done successfully, they all are drained out of energy. Nandini still can't believe she assisted him and didn't give in to her anxiety attack.

By the time she became emotionally stable and changed her clothes into normal with her doctor coat in her hand, there is no one in the room, they all left already to have their lunch. 

Their team doesn't care about spending together and always leaves her alone saying her to spend this time with her boyfriend who is also alone. Only if that is true, all Dr. Manik does is make her work hard or have fun at her awkward moments. He enjoys seeing her getting embarrassed or flustered. She is like a clown to his own entertainment.

So, instead of going directly to the canteen, Nandini went in the opposite direction, towards Manik's office ignoring her hunger pangs as she has to ask him about what will he have for lunch or if there anything she has to do before she can take her break. 

Nandini does this to avoid getting his call or texts ordering her when she is in the middle of eating. 

She knocked on his door and receiving no response, Nandini peeped into the door but it is empty, so she walked in only to see a stick note "Went out. Enjoy your break till I come. P.S. Should've just texted you but again why should I?", reading this she can already imagine his smug face.

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