36. Only then

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Everyone, raise your hands for the drama and Manan.


Nandini hates this evening, everything feels so uncomfortable and suffocated. It's been a long time since she went anywhere with her mother, they rarely see each other even though they live in the same house. 

The people who work in their place, all the servants, chefs, drivers, cleaners, everyone knew how distant the mother and daughter is. For the media, it will be very juicy news but again, Renuka can stop anything and shut anyone's mouth by throwing a pile of money.

Most of the time money works absolutely fine, and if it doesn't Renuka will start searching, digging into their mistakes, and will gladly use them as her pawns. 

She is not exactly a correct mother for Nandini to look up to, that woman is smart and knows how to get what she wants.

That's why even though Nandini hates her and taunts her from time to time, she never rebels. She just draws the safe line between them because Nandini knows how Renuka is.

Being a woman and that too she became a widow at a such young age is hard, but Renuka picked herself up. She went back to her father and repaired their broken trust, proved herself and came strong, turned into an almost replica of Nandini's grandfather. 

Renuka's father proudly introduced her to his political party, she lead so many events, walked around the villages, and gave wonderful speeches on both small and large stages. She joined the rallies, encouraged youth, started the fights, and again stopped them, she is a very brilliant woman who knows how to use everything according to her gain. 

And that's how she stomped on all of the politician men who belittled her, now she is a home minister.

To so many people, Renuka Murthy is an inspiration. 

She started so many policies through which women and the poor benefited, she is a strong and kind woman to all of them. When she speaks, everyone listens. She has that authority and elegance.

But all Nandini wanted is a mother, especially after she lost her father. A mother who will hold her close to her heart and comfort her with her warmth. Nothing more. 

Instead, Renuka changed into this new version and became an icon to everyone, thus in the process, she became a stranger to her own daughter. Nandini doesn't even remember when they had dinner together lastly. 

It's been ages.

And again Nandini is thankful for her profession because now even she has no time. No time to feel lonely or think about her mother. Her work, her bunch of good friends, and Manik, they all became her safe place. 

Especially, Manik. 

If she didn't meet him again, he would've remained like just a crush to her, untouchable and unreachable.

But their fates got collided and he became her first senior surgeon, he took her under his wing. 

The sole motivation behind her immense growth in her profession, it is Manik. He taught her a lot. And in her personal life too, he taught her a lot of lessons. That is how a person can be so different from what you think, broke her heart multiple times, and made her strong. 

She did hated him at a certain point. 

She wanted to have nothing with him but then he took her to hell with him when he got stabbed while saving her, after so many ups and downs, they are together now.

Maybe because it took that long and she finally saw his real version, now she feels equal to him. Safe when she is with him. 

Manik changed too, a lot. She sees it daily, the man who didn't even take a break to have some coffee is now waiting for her, takes her out to dinner, excited to be with her.

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