18. Trouble I'm in

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After Mukti left watching Dhruv approach her, Nandini really thought about what she just told her.

 Nandini's assistant surgeon just confessed that he has feelings towards her and what is she doing? Trying to run away, making him wait for her, that's so cruel of her when she knows that she is going to reject him in the end. 

It's just she is afraid of how to make him understand properly while trying her best not to hurt him that much. Of course, he will get hurt. 

Whom is she kidding, she knows herself very well. 

But instead of rejecting, making him wait while in the end only results in rejection, that will hurt him more. Will break his heart even more.

And Nandini didn't realize this till Mukti told her. If not for Mukti, Nandini would've hurt Dhruv even more unintentionally. And her being funny and friendly with him will give him hope only to get crushed in the end.

"Coffee?" Dhruv asked her as he offered her the coffee cup with a smile.

Nandini accepted his coffee with a thank you and then patted the place beside her for him to sit on the bench where Mukti was sitting previously. He sat beside her taking sips from his own coffee in silence.

"You know about me and Dr. Manik, right?", Nandini started the conversation, even though it is really awkward she wants this to be as straightforward as it can be. 

And it's only going to be truthful if this conversation starts about why her personal life is such a mess right now and why she can't accept him.

Dhruv snorted in his response as he heard her question, "Yes senior, it's impossible not to know", he said. 

Of course, he knows about her past relationship. Dhruv actually doesn't care about people's past relations and rumors but with her senior case, even if tried not to know much about her relationship with that senior surgeon, it's impossible to ignore. Everyone still talks about them, the main reason as it is about Dr. Manik and sometimes Dhruv wishes not to hear them.

Not to get remind multiple times by others and to not get himself compared with Manik.

Nandini looked at him, observing his expressions carefully but all she saw was calmness on his face. "Then you should also know that we got broke up recently", she said. 

For Nandini and Manik, it's a fake relationship and they just used to pretend otherwise. But in other's eyes, they broke up. Even though it's not actually a breakup because they never had been in a real relationship with each other, it still affected her the same. 

Yes, her senior is doing absolutely fine like always, and like always it is just her who is suffering from this. She doesn't even know what to name it.

Dhruv looked at her senior who is staring at him with mixed emotion, he does know very well in what direction this conversation is going. 

He stood up in realizing what she is going to say but he already knows that "Dr. Nandini, I know that maybe you haven't moved on from him yet. But I have no problem with it, I'm willing to wait", he told her as she looked up with her shining eyes.

Nandini knows that Dhruv is smart. She also stood up to look at him directly, "And I don't want you to wait", she answered him with a stern face. It may break his heart, but the sooner it is, the better it will be.

Dhruv got shocked as he took a few seconds to take in what she just said. But again, it is his own feelings, he is not bothering anyone with them. And her telling like this, it felt like ordering him. She uses the same tone when she orders during operations.

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