59. Only Fools Fall For You

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Nandini didn't show up.

No matter how cocksure Manik had presented himself to be the past couple of days or how sanguine and bold his confidence in the letter was, it wasn't even remotely close to reality.

He was petrified.

Especially now as he sat in the destitute park centered within scented candles and hideously flashy fairy lights all by himself for the past two hours and three minutes, he tastes a small serving of what Nandini must have felt that day. In that email she mentioned the cafe near the university, as he didn't replied anything to her, she must've also waited like him.

There always are two poles apart feelings- Trust and Fear.

While trust is timid and gentle, comfortably snuggled in its hand-stitched blanket of assurance and reliance; fear is loud and bossy, even vicious. It will feed you the worst palate of your insecurities and mingle it with truths, building a beautifully crafted, believable lie.

That is how Manik Malhotra has teared up now. Not the sobs-sniffs kind, just a burning prickliness somewhere behind his retinas. The concealed and hidden kind of tears, the more painful ones.

All thanks to the fear. He fears he may have misconducted the whole situation, maybe he pushed the boundaries too far. Because Nandini was in no way a person to stand someone up ever. She was too gold-hearted for her own good. She is full of love and has always been. 

Manik has emphasized time and again about his steadfast belief in his 'gut feeling' and it is this feeling that he owes his success to. His entire being works on it. 

However now having obviously been stood up, he wonders if he was wrong about Nandini's unwavering feelings all along?

"That can't be."

He shakes his head. And rightfully so. 

Because Nandini and him are meant to be, they have to be. They are interlaced now. Even if the world separated them, they would still feel each other.

 Space between the sand and the stardust, through every collapse and creation, there is always a pulse that echoes Manik & Nandini.

"One last time, Manik, come on." He muttered pressing a shaky foot on the gas paddle when he finally saw the street.

All the perspiration has been activated, but he hates sweating beneath his eyelids the most honestly. He was finally right there, in front of Nandini's house staring at the moving silhouette behind the drawn curtains in the well-lit room through the window signifying Nandini was indeed home and just... didn't come.

His nerves were all over the place but so were a million tiny pieces of his heart. All through his life, never has he felt so worthless, so contemptible; it was pitiful really how he felt like he was at mercy in the hands of someone whom he holds dear to his heart but now to know that it's not both ways is breaking his heart apart. But Love makes you like that, doesn't it?

Four deep breaths do nothing now. Maybe five will? Six? Nope. He's breathless and even though he had hoped he'd be like that tonight, it wasn't in this way in the slightest.

So, Manik does the first thing that comes to his mind- seek comfort. And his phone is all he finds in the car that can do that.

Two rings and the call was answered, "Hello? Finally, you called! I knew taking a break is not in your-"


His friend stopped rambling immediately as he heard the voice, "Yeah?"

Manik clutched the phone tightly, "I.. uh.. I didn't call for work.. I.. I kinda want to talk to you.. something personal", those words felt so foreign coming out of his mouth towards his friend and he couldn't help but feel awkward.

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