35. Chance With You

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*Nervous hands* Sorry for the late update *throws this long ass ch as compensation and runs away*.

*Nervous hands* Sorry for the late update *throws this long ass ch as compensation and runs away*

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Comment your views, if they are nice, I'm liable to fall in love with you. If they are mean, can't say exactly but will try to embrace them.


~ Chance With You ~

With a saree, everything is difficult and slow, Navya has no idea how other women wear this and carry on with their day so elegantly. She can't. 

Navya as a chief nurse is used to walking fast, getting things done in time, and being ready for anything emergency that can come at any time.

But again Navya wanted to look good today and she knows she looks beautiful in a saree, the only reason why she asked her mother and her mother is more than happy to help her with the saree.

So walking slowly while making sure she doesn't trip is hard. And she is gonna admit, at least to herself that she is thankful that Dr. Cabir is with her at every step of her tonight.

"Let me drop you", he offered once again, being polite with a smile.

Navya smiled back as she nodded her head in positive and walked with him towards his car. She knows he likes him and he did tell her that but Navya has her own issues.

Cabir opened the door for her, he doesn't have to but he did. Navya thanked him when he helped her with the saree pallu and carefully closed the door, a second later, he got onto his driving seat.

It's not that late, around 11 but it's peaceful, there is no traffic. "Can I ask you something?", she broke the silence between them.

Cabir didn't take his eyes off the drive, "Sure", just hmmed with a casual nod.

"You don't have to answer if you're not comfortable but what happened to you? I heard that you used to have a very loud and extrovert personality?", Navya finally asked him. 

During their first meeting, ofcourse she didn't know who he was, and even when she heard his name but it didn't ring any bell at that time. She was in hurry. And then when he joined their hospital, there are so many senior doctors who came to meet him personally and welcome him here, also so many interns excitedly requested her to be under his care.

Navya googled and read so many articles and his interviews, his research is successful and well known. He invented the medicine at low cost for the treatment of weak bones, he is part of that team. He is a genius, so many praises him. 

But his personality, everyone who knew him from his college mentioned he is really fun and what a bright personality he has. But Navya has never seen it. He is always lost in his work.

Cabir sighed while continuing to drive, "Five years in the lab and banging your head on the wall for new equations, treating humans as test animals for every new solution you came up with will mess your head. You have no idea how many people I hurt before we came up with the correct equation", he said with a blank emotion, she can see his mouth twitch downwards and it is clear how much it must've hurt him that his whole personality changed.

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