38. Safety Zone

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Who needs sleep? LMAO! 

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Nandini sat on the couch snuggling into the blanket and wearing a Manik's hoodie which engulfed her in his warm scent, she looks like a burrito. With a tissue box in her lap, she sat there sniffling lightly. 

It's still raining, it hasn't stopped since the evening.

Her nose and cheeks are pink due to the cold weather. Throughout her long crying session, Manik hugged her and kept patting her back to calm her down. 

He knew she will get surprised or happy once she sees all of this, but he has no idea what to do when she suddenly burst into tears. At least he thinks they are happy tears, so he just stood there and held her close to his heart.

Once she stopped crying, Manik suggested her to freshen up and offered her his black hoodie, hot shower did help her a lot.

And by the time she came out wearing his long hoodie and wet hair wrapped in an extra towel, Manik already changed into fresh clothes and was in the middle of making food for both of them.

Nandini dragged the dining chair to the kitchen counter and sat there as she saw her man working through his kitchen like an expert he is. When their eyes met, he gave her a soft smile and went back to cooking. He made tomato pasta and then chicken soup still hot in the pot because they both spend too long in wet clothes.

Manik looked at her eagerly as he served the dish in front of her, Nandini never saw him nervous in front of her. But now he seems, as she caught him rubbing the back of his neck as if he is flushed. She literally closed her eyes in bliss as the warm pasta melted in her mouth and she gave him the brightest smile with a big thumbs up.

He sighed in relief and then quickly, they had dinner together in peace.

After keeping the clean dishes away, Manik gave her the medicine for her cold. She didn't catch a cold or fever yet but if she doesn't take this medicine now, she will get it by tomorrow for sure, her red nose is a sign.

After all of that walking in rain and crying her eyes out, that too in this weather, was not a good combination. And she can blame her stubbornness for that.

She took the medicine and Manik went into his kitchen once again, continuing to clean his kitchen.

"Ahh, I need a drink!", Nandini sighed to no one but herself. It's been a long day, both emotionally and physically.

She didn't think Manik is near her, she thought he is in the kitchen doing something. But a snigger came from her behind, "As doctors, we tell our patients not to drink, and here you are, about to become an alcoholic", Manik commented while walking towards her.

Nandini glared at the man, "I'm not an alcoholic. It's just been a long day and a beer will be nice", she said with an absolute pout.

He stood in front of the couch, standing tall while looking down at her, "Then instead of drinking beer, here, have this", saying that Manik put the warm mug in her hands.

She looked a little suspiciously at him but once she got the sniff of hot chocolate, her lips curved upwards automatically and she sighed in delight after taking a sip. It's so warm and good.

"Thank you", She hummed without looking at him, her attention stolen by the drink.

Manik smiled a little as he sat beside her, "Thankfully you're not on duty tonight. Take rest, and tomorrow we can go together to work", he said patting her hair with the dry towel and Nandini let him do as there is no hair drier here.

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