14. Mr. Machine

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On Monday, around 2 AM, a patient got admitted to the emergency ward at the hospital, and Dr. Manik with his team is on shift on that day. 

It was an accident case, a 30-year-old male driving a motorbike got crashed into the car while crossing highway, it was reported that motorbike guy died on spot because of the brain damage and several serious injuries as he didn't wear any helmet and it seems he was drunk. 

It's a big accident, the one who is driving the car must be around 60 years and he is still breathing when he is taken into the emergency operation room. Head Nurse Navya immediately made the required arrangements and Manik took charge of the operation.

After they scanned the patient and Manik studied his scanning reports, Nandini and his other staff helped him like usual, doing everything he ordered them to do so. There was no time for them, it was the most complicated one as no one knows about the patient's medical history, but he is barely breathing, so they had to proceed with surgery instead of waiting for the patient's family. 

Dr. Manik stopped before he started the surgery as he noticed that patient is losing too much blood and his wounds are not healing or getting clotted, the patient has diabetes. And now it is even more dangerous for them to perform the operation but first, he has to stop the bleeding, Manik closed the wounds while he asked Nandini to pump the blood more into the patient. 

There were serious injuries in the patient's abdominal area and Manik had no choice but to perform the open abdominal surgery. He asked his other junior to call for Chief Nurse into the operation process, Navya came immediately as she got into her surgical scrub and wearing a mask like them. Manik explained the situation to her, meanwhile, the patient's family came to the hospital. Navya stepped out to explain to them the situation on behalf of Manik as he is stitching the open wounds to stop the bleeding. Navya came in again to tell him that his family agreed to proceed with the operation.

Dr. Manik, Navya, Nandini, and his team, all worked their best but failed to save. 

The patient died on the operation table as he got heart stroke in the middle of the process, Manik tried with the surgical shock and kept on trying desperately but when they reached refractory, the last stage, Navya told him to give up as it is of no use now since the patient's all the vital organs stopped working.

Manik declared the patient's death as he walked out of the operation theatre and sincerely apologized to the patient's family for their loss.

Nandini walked out from their changing rooms once she changed her clothes and wore her doctor coat, she is all alone as she kept walking in the empty corridors and made no attempts of interacting with others. As she kept on walking avoiding others, she went into the deserted hospital garden, it was around 4:30 Am as her legs finally gave away and she settled on the empty bench.

She hugged her legs close to herself as she kept her head on her knees and cried her heart out. She just couldn't stop her tears as she kept thinking of the patient and his pulse dropping low with every second, she can still feel it.

"Our patient died today. This never gets easier, trust me", Nandini clearly knows who's this voice is as she didn't even realize when did her senior came and sat beside her two inches apart. 

She looked at him only to see him sitting on the same bench and staring into nothing blankly. She tried to stop herself from crying as she wiped her cheeks and sniffed to stop her tears, but she just couldn't.

Manik didn't even glance at her as he said "I won't tell you to stop crying, it's your first time and you must have got scared so much knowing your anxiety issues, but you got improved a lot. Even if you're nervous, your legs are not shaking anymore, and you are not panicking like before which means you are doing well". 

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