29. Power Over Me

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Thanks, happy reading :)


It's the early morning at 6 A.M when Nandini with other staff entered the operation room after getting ready for the surgery. At this hour, it is prone to believe the fact that patients won't suffer post-surgery anesthesia side effects, so mostly surgeries are planned at this hour. 

She is not the main surgeon today, she is going to assist Dr. Arjun and his team. Since she is an assistant surgeon, she came first with all of the staff and they gave the anesthesia for the patient followed by an induction (propofol).

This is open-heart surgery, so the anesthesiologist inserted a tube securely at the patient's throat and then Nandini proceeded with the mechanical ventilation. The anesthesiologist will make sure general anesthesia is maintained well throughout the surgery.

Nandini took a deep breath as she looked at the monitor, looking at the vitals since the recording started. Then Dr. Arjun also came dressed in a surgical outfit to join them, he greeted everyone and took his position as a lead surgeon.

This is a scheduled surgery, Dr. Arjun is a well-known expert when it comes to open-heart surgeries. He is in his late thirties and only works here for three days a week, the remaining time he spends at his own clinic.

As soon as he came, he checked the patient's vitals before going in. The patient is in his early fifties and Nandini knows this surgery is not an easy one, but thankfully, the patient does not have diabetes or other serious diseases. That helps in increasing the surgery success rate.

They are going to perform the quintuple coronary artery bypass surgery, which is like one of the most complicated surgeries regarding the heart. And this is Nandini's first time assisting Dr. Arjun, but she herself requested him to let her assist him in this. This is what Manik does when he has time and Nandini also wants to reach Manik's professional level one day.

Unlike others, Dr. Arjun asked her a lot of questions and then allowed her to join. 

Nandini is not replacing anyone today, she is just one more assistant to help him and to observe the operation. For the last two days, whenever she got time, she studied and prepared a lot for this day yet she still is nervous. She is sure if it's Manik in her place, he would've done everything perfectly. 

Alas, she is not him!

There is so much staff present in the room compared to her operations, Dr. Ravi who is their cardiovascular perfusionist will have one of the major roles today. He will be the one who will operate the heart-lung machine, which is an artificial blood pump, it propels oxygenated blood to the patient's tissues while Dr. Arjun operates on the heart.

"Focus everyone, let's do our best", as a senior doctor Arjun addressed all of them and started the operation. 

Usually, bypass surgery is done a lot, as in two grafts and the success rate is also high. But due to the patient's severe coronary heart disease, they are going for 4 grafts. It's a Quintuple bypass, which is complicated because it includes all five of the major arteries feeding the heart. 

And the success rate is a little low compared to other bypass surgeries.

As Nandini assisted him with the tools, Dr. Arjun took his time to remove the graft vessels with absolute precision which will be used as blood vessels in the heart. But as their patient is not in that perfect health condition, it took them more time. Usually, blood vessels can be taken from the patient's leg or arm but then Dr. Arjun decided against it as it did not seem a good idea to him. So, he went with the best option, Nandini helped him in taking the graft vessels from the patient's chest.

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