12. Time in a bottle

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When Nandini messaged Navya and Mukti asking them to have lunch together, Dr. Mukti declined her offer saying that she is working during her lunch period because she is going to leave home early today. And the reason behind it, Nandini didn't know but Chief Nurse agreed to have lunch with her, Navya also nagged that these days she is missing her too much. 

So as soon as she got a break from her senior doctor, Nandini came to the receptionist hall because that's where Navya is there.

They had lunch together, in a restaurant that is quite near to the hospital. 

It is Navya's favorite place and Nandini also loves the food here, also as Navya says it is important to come out and feel free because sometimes hospital and it's smell even though they're habituated to them, it will be suffocating. All those patients, operations, and blood, it is overwhelming. 

So, for lunch or dinner, whenever they have free time, it always feels nice to go out instead of eating at their hospital's canteen.

They both came back exactly 30 mins later and as they were walking through the corridors talking about the random things, Navya stopped walking as she said "Oh, that doesn't look good", she gestured to the pair of doctors who are at the end of the same corridor.

Nandini looked at where Navya is pointing and she saw Dr. Riya flirting with her fake boyfriend. They both are talking with each other and standing a little too closely. 

"It's fine, Navya, I'm not childish, I don't get jealous", Nandini brushed it off casually as she didn't want to do anything. Also, they both work at the same hospital, they are colleagues and they're just talking with each other, of course, it's not a big deal.

"If you say so", Navya said as she shrugged.

Nandini is not someone who feels jealous about these little things, sure, Dr. Riya has a reputation for being a certified bitch and fooling around with men, but now they're just talking even though that girl is blinking with her fake eyelashes too many times trying to look cute and god, the dress she wore under that white coat. Is it even allowed? But guess that's how she dresses daily, obviously Nandini is not jealous.

As Navya and Nandini kept walking, Nandini just couldn't stop herself from observing them. No, she isn't jealous, she told herself. 

Then Nandini stopped walking as she said, "Why the hell is that snake touching his arms?", without even realizing Nandini said it out loud as she saw that Riya touch Manik's bicep and arms. 

And why the fuck her senior is allowing her to touch him?

Navya laughed as she saw Dr. Nandini storming towards Manik, of course, Nandini is jealous. She sighed as she went to her desk and got back to her work leaving Nandini with her problems, that girl can handle her boyfriend well. 

It's not Navya's business.

Nandini didn't know what she was thinking when she went near her senior and harshly pulled his arm away from that snake's touch. And that made him come close to Nandini as he was surprised because of the sudden pull.

Dr. Riya made a displeasing face as she saw Nandini and rolled her eyes, "Hi Dr. Nandini, I was just talking about you with Dr. Manik, that how lucky you are to have such a handsome boyfriend", she said and then smiled at her senior as she played with her hair strand cutely.

Nandini can clearly see what that doctor is doing, she is trying to flirt her best with her senior. But no, she won't allow this. 

She held her senior's arm and looped it with her hand, then smiled sweetly at Manik. "Indeed, I'm really lucky to have him as mine", Nandini replied with a bright smile to rub it enough on her face. That was enough to make Dr. Riya angry as her ears flushed.

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