40. Hectic

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I am in the joy of MaNan's new season, so happy updates it is!

Also, Epilogue for Blood on your hand is posted, please check that out [I gave them the ending they deserve ◉⁠‿⁠◉ ]

That's all, do comment because i will be waiting to read them.

Happy reading :)


After reading the few congratulating messages and his schedule for the day, Manik dropped his mobile back on the table near the bed and laid down once again, feeling the warmth of her. 

She is still covered in a blanket and he held Nandini like a cocoon in his arms, gathering closer to himself and squeezing her close to his heart with a content smile.

Nandini said nothing but reciprocate the hug, with her hands touching his bare back softly. She closed her eyes when she felt his lips on her forehead. He doesn't seem ecstatic, but she knows Manik is genuinely happy. 

He worked so hard for this position and he deserves it in every way. After all, he is their hospital's most talented and dedicated doctor. So, Nandini is happy that Manik got it.

With one more peck on her cheek and rubbing their noses together cutely, "Go and get ready, meanwhile I will prepare breakfast. Then we can leave together, okay?" his low whisper greeted her.

Nandini looks at the clock hanging on the wall, there is still a lot of time and she can start getting ready now. But Manik is not moving an inch, contrast to his words, he is still laying on the bed and his shoulder is acting like a pillow for her. She drags the dark-colored quilt up that's on her waist and pulls it till her neck, covering her entire body except for face, looking like she popped out from a rabbit hole. 

"You go, first" the younger says to Manik.

Manik nods but then stops as he looks at her, he leans forward, till his face is in touching distance with her face. "Nandini, don't tell me you are shy", he says.

Nandini adjusts the blanket once again, last night, he threw her dress away with no care and it must be on the floor now. She is wearing his shirt, and that's it. She is all naked under his black shirt and it barely reaches her mid thighs. 

It would be really embarrassing to walk out looking like this. Now that it's morning and she is not under any influence of wine, Nandini is not that confident. 

"Maybe I am. Now go", she ordered, pushing him away with her hands which are out of blanket now.

Instead of going out, Manik just smirked as he held both of her hands with his one hand and pinned them above her head, to stop her pushing him away. And now he is on top of her, there is still a blanket in between them, Manik is half naked except for the shorts he is wearing.

The sunlight hitting his face just right, making him glow even brighter as he moved closer to her and Nandini just sank into the pillow as she didn't see the sudden swift coming. 

Manik kept coming closer and closer, so Nandini closed her eyes, thinking that he was gonna kiss her. But he missed her lips, just to bite on her cheek and letting it turn pink. Her hands are still pinned by him, so she couldn't do anything but to pout as he kissed her cheek where he bit her.

Then he moved close to her ear, all the while dragging his lips on her face. "What's there to hide? I saw everything and kissed every inch of your skin last night", Manik whispered in her ears with his oh-so-deep voice.

Nandini blushed as she saw him leaving her hands and letting their fingers lock together, she couldn't look at him and Manik just laughed out at her antics. 

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