56. Blue

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Nandini did not speak a word to either, the stubborn man who chose to mind his business while camping in front of her house and the woman who suddenly acted like her mother when all of her life she ignored her. 

Manik. Renuka.

It breaks her heart every minute to know that he got hurt so badly because of her and now instead of moving on, here he is, leaving everything for her including his life too.

Another one broke her heart and abandoned her when she needed her love the most and chose to control all of her life instead of showing motherly care. And now she is here once again, trying to bulldoze her way into the younger's life once again as if nothing happened.

Nandini decided to ignore both of them and walked into her home, like she said to Manik that she wouldn't talk to him if he stayed, she didn't. And like Manik said, it didn't bother him as he didn't raise his eyes to look at her.

Renuka looked at her desperately, waiting by her car and the younger just walked into her home with no other words. Honestly, all the previous visits from her mother bothered her but she was in the mindset of not letting her bother too much. 

And did as she learned from her therapy session which is not to run away from her problems. But with Manik here, right in front of her face, Nandini is literally doing the same.

"Nandini, let me talk to you", her mother said from behind right when the younger was about to close the front door.

She turned back to look at Renuka, "About what?" she asked sternly.

Renuka gave a look at Manik who was acting like he didn't care and then looked at her daughter once again. Without waiting anymore, she stepped into her late husband's house which is now become a sanctuary for her daughter. "Nice view", she stared at the handsome man from the window and carelessly commented while walking inside, "It seems like you both are not together".

"Not your business", curtly saying that Nandini left her bag on the sofa and walked towards the refrigerator to fetch some water for herself.

But Renuka didn't seem to consider her daughter's sour mood as she continued, "I don't understand you. You won't forgive me, you won't come back to me. But you are also not with him and you're wasting your time here. Why?"

Nandini looked at her mother like a wounded animal, "Why do you care? If I'm with him or not?", she said and then took a sip of water to calm herself down, "Also, I don't think I can ever forgive you or your father. So, stop this act and go back". Even though her tone was soft, the words were rather harsh and the younger meant every single word.

Renuka's face crumbled down as she held her daughter's hand, "I can't, Nandini. I'm leaving the father's political party, I have nothing now. Please come back", she asked her Nandini with moist eyes.

The younger took a breath, Manik also said the same that he has nothing now and he means it. He resigned his job and left his flat empty to wait here in this small village for her. 

But her mother? Nandini is not sure. She knows there are so many backlashes Renuka is getting because she went against Narayana Murthy who is the founder of the party she is in. His loyal followers turned against her and they were thinking of throwing her down like hungry wolves waiting for their chances. 

And so, Renuka is leaving the current political party. It's true. But does she have nothing now? No.

Nandini let out a chuckle, "Do I look that easy to you and Grandpa? Both of you are so eager to show your crocodile tears in front of me, just to manipulate me. Then finally, to control me once again?" she found herself asking sarcastically.

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