3. Deal

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After getting fired, the only positive thing that came in Manik's mind is that at last, now he can get some goddamn rest. He is so tired, and sleep deprived, it has been days since he slept peacefully at his home, in his bed without setting an alarm or getting a call informing him about some emergency case. 

After dropping all his stuff that he packed in his car's trunk, he went back as he realized he forgot his mobile and its charger. After fetching them back, when he is on his way to leave from here, Manik found some staff people standing in middle and waiting for him.

Initially his plan was to disappear from here without letting anyone knew but seems like it is failed too. They all people who are always little nice to him when compared to others in these past two years, but he never interacted with them personally unless it is regarding work. 

So, he is little surprised when he saw their Chief Nurse, Mrs. Malathi, a very kind women who is in her late forties but also strict to youngsters, his assistant surgeon and some nurses with whom he worked with often. Manik thought they all here to stop him from going or try to speak about rejecting his punishment, but no, to his surprise, they all requested him to have a one last meal with them together.

It is past 10 pm, so their hospital's canteen is little empty. Manik sat with them all and had roti with daal. They never interacted with him closely, it is his first and last meal eating with others as he is always been a lone ranger. They all are talking, trying to make this not so awkward. His assistant and those nurses revealed that they really found him intimidating at first, females used to gush over how handsome he is among themselves but now they all are just worried about his health care. In past, they tried so many times to talk with him but Manik always declined with a polite thanks. They all talked about how they respect him so much and how they get panicked when he takes sudden and new approaches. Overall, throughout the dinner, they talked a lot and Manik just listened to them. 

After dinner, Mrs.Malathi thanked him for his service here and wished him best of luck for his future, then all of them bid bye and finally he settled in his car driving to his house.

Manik lives with his father, but his father always been a busy person to really talk or spend time with his, it has been like this since his childhood. So, Manik got habituated with this and now it does not even worry him much. He likes being alone and silence never really bothers him.

When he got freshen up and in full swing to hit his bed, his dad knocked on his door disturbing him. Manik did not even realized that his father is home today, he is preoccupied with lot. 

His dad informed that Manik should take up his new job tomorrow and that means he has to go to Bangalore immediately, when his father told him that Manik has to catch early flight for that and all the arrangements were done.

 Listening to him, he almost tempted to throw his hands at his father for not telling him this much earlier. Now, he can say bye to his sleep as looks like he is not getting any. Maybe he should take a nap now and again in flight, thinking that he sighed.

It was two hours flight journey, Manik landed in Bangalore at 7am and for once his father stood true to his words as he said everything is already arranged. There is a driver to pick him, his car, luggage and even his own apartment where driver dropped him off. 

It is a smooth journey, and this made him wondered from how long his dad is planning all of this.

It is a big apartment, like it is big enough for a single person. There is a living room with big television and couch and table and all, then one bedroom and another room as a study room which is very good as Manik has lots of files and work to study, then kitchen, very modernized. 

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