41. My My My!

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In the sadness of KYYS4 ending and happiness of KYYS5 promo, this chapter is finished.

Do vote and comment, like always, i will be waiting to read them. Thanks:)

Also merry christmas and happy new year ❤️


It's midnight, 3:00 am as Nandini waited in their hospital parking lot, sitting in her car itself because outside it's freezing cold at this hour.

She is all bundled up in her winter coat and sweater and mufflers, the heater is on in the car as she waited for Manik. Right when she is about to text him, she saw a tall male all dressed in jeans and formal shirt with a messy hair after a long shift coming outside of the elevator in the empty parking lot.

Nandini unlocked the car door for him and once he got in, Manik sighed in relief, "God, it's freezing", his teeth chattered as he turned the heater to the maximum.

Then he is leaning forward to hug her closer, it's more like a habit as she is so warm and it feels nice to hold her close against his cold self. She pecked him on his cheek, before breaking their hug and giving him the jacket she bought for him. 

"Thanks", Manik mutters as he wears the jacket on top of his shirt and Nandini starts to drive after he wears the seatbelt.

The younger had her early morning shift yesterday and was done with it, evening she took a nap and had her dinner, then slept again. As the alarm rang at 2, Nandini got ready in the middle of the night and left the home to pick him up, all the while Manik is on shift because of his busy schedule.

And so she can see him getting tired, but still, he agreed to go out with her at this odd hour. 

Nandini took a side glance at him as he sat in silence and saw him stopping himself from yawning, "You can sleep, I will wake you up when we reach there", she told him as she continued to drive smoothly, at these early hours, there is barely any traffic in this busy city. And the air is filled with the thick fog, covering the road like a thick blanket.

"No, it's fine, I can manage", Manik argued with her, as he sat up straight and fight his sleep away.

Nandini sighed as she turned right according to the navigator, "Just go to sleep, your dark circles ruining that handsome face", she said. It is a given that he is tired and he needs his sleep.

Manik's smug face is back as with an eye brow raise, he is leaning towards her, "So, you think I am handsome?"

She chuckled and didn't tried to hide that obvious fact, "And you're not aware of that?" she questioned him back.

He shrugged, Manik is never a person who cared about his looks, they only got him more attention which he hates. But it's good to know that she finds him attractive, with her, it feels nice to know that she likes how he looks. 

"Fine, drive carefully", Manik said as he adjusted the car seat, leaning back, he closed his eyes and within a seconds he is falling into deep slumber.

Nandini smiled as she heard the light snore, he must be really tired and then continued to drive, being extra careful with speedbumps and turnings, making sure her boyfriend won't get disturbed.

This is actually her idea, going out at this hour, it took a fifteen minute conversation with Manik to convince him. He usually doesn't say no to her that much when it comes to their dates. 

But their dates, it became rare these days and even if they go out, it always some five star restaurants or something because the only thing Manik is excited out of his profession is that his love for good food. He himself searches the places and reads the reviews, then takes her out.

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