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Manik looked at the Chairman silently, nodded at him politely, and then walked away from there without raising a single question. He left the board meeting room immediately before anyone can try to talk with him. He just left from there with his head held high and eyes shining with a piercing look. 

Looking at him leaving just like that, it made his senior and people who don't favor him much made their blood boil for his arrogance. Manik just got fired from India's no.1 prestigious hospital and also that too when his career is skyrocketing, not to forget he is pretty young too. 

But still, he left like it didn't even bother him a bit. 

Staff who helped him looked a little sad, some others concerned for this young doctor but major people are happy to know that he is leaving, finally. They never liked him anyway, professional anxiety always between them and also their ego bruised badly because he is the only young man who neither submit to anyone nor he danced to their tunes. 

But some people, a few, are really proud of him for standing straight with his honesty. Lots of people, multiple opinions, not that they matter.

Manik was ready to face the consequences from the moment he entered into the operation theatre without permission and decided to do his first cesarean operation ever. He knows they are not going to leave this matter that easily, but getting fired, hell, even he didn't see it coming.

When he is in his cabin, someone knocked and entered into the room, it's chairman. 

Manik didn't bother to ask him why he is here instead he just continued packing his stuff into a cardboard box casually. 

All his personal belongings, this room is small with just an office desk and a chair, then shelves filled with lot of his study files and a little sofa where he definitely doesn't fit but spend a lot of nights sleeping on it. There are even a couple of his clothes and personal essentials here, so that he can always pull a night out here. Yes, it is a tiny room but he made the most of it, he thought while gathering all his things. It's a mess though!

"You don't have anything to say to me?" Chairman asked him while doing nothing but just standing there awkwardly.

Manik sighed and said with a shrug "What's use, we all know this is unfair anyways", then took a second empty box and started placing all his files in it carefully.

After hearing to him, Dr.karan, the chairman replied while looking at him like a beaten pup, "Yes and I'm sorry for being unfair to you, Manik".

So, he knows he is being unfair, Manik thought after hearing to his words. But that still won't change the fact this is a very big price that he is being forced to pay only because he didn't followed some protocols. 

"But Dad, I broke those rules to save people and you know that very well", Manik said to him by stopping his packing and now turned to look at his father who looks disappointed. 

And it's fine because even Manik is disappointed now, for not understanding him and for making him look like he is some sort of criminal.

"Son, I know, it's not your fault, I fired you because I don't want you to work among these sharks waiting for their chance to drag you down. And you practically live your life here in this small room just to prove yourself to them, you're pushing yourself way too hard, Manik", his father said trying to explain his reason and trying to prove himself right.

"I am doing this because I love my job" Manik replied and continued doing whatever he is doing before his father came here.

After hearing him, Karan came and stood infront of Manik to maintain an eye contact which his son is avoiding, "I know that, but where is your joy? You're allowed to have little fun", he said as he knows that exactly what is going through in his son's life, not entertaining at all, "Manik, do you even have friends?" he questioned him with a chuckle looking at his son who is really young but an intense turmoil going inside.

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