30. In The Wind

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Hello, so this one is almost 10K words. I'm sorry for the late update, I was going through some hard times.

I hope all of you still remember this story. Do vote and comment, they mean a lot to me. Thanks :)


Monday morning, Manik drove himself to the hospital. 

He tried reaching Nandini's phone but instead, it kept on going to her voicemail. Earlier when he got up, he saw a text message from her wishing him with "All the best" for the day. 

And he smiled seeing it, it's a pleasant morning and now he is finally going back to his routine. To wish her back as she is also going back to the hospital today after her small break, but to his dismay, she didn't answer his call.

As he parked his car in the parking lot, when he is walking by, he saw Nandini's car in the middle of numerous cars. It's just 9 AM now, she must've come here early and busy with her work to answer her calls. 

He shrugged to himself, it's okay if her phone is non reachable, later he can talk with her directly.

Their hospital guards greeted him when he is stepping into the elevator and Manik just awkwardly smiled back. It's been almost a month since he is back to the hospital as a doctor instead of being a patient. He is dressed in his formals with a simple black shirt and grey trousers, his hair is swept back cleanly.

So many more people greeted him when he is on his way to the Chief Nurse's desk, a lot of staff, some of them even he doesn't know their names. They all looked at him with so much of awe, holding inspiration for him in their eyes. 

And Manik just politely smiled back, then continued to proceed.

All of this is weird, from childhood he is used to getting all of this attention. So many eyes were on him for different reasons, but till now he never cared about attention. 

Even now he doesn't, but when a lot of doctors greeted him, most of them are young interns, standing politely in front of him. And when he saw their eyes, he knows immediately, they all looking up to him with respect.

 And in their eyes, Manik saw Nandini's eyes, this is the way she used to look at him when she is still his assistant, new to her job.

When he thought to ignore all of them with a fake gesture, he got reminded of her bright eyes. So he couldn't help but acknowledge all of them, smiling back at them. He tried his best to give them a smile which is as real as he can try.

The Chief Nurse desk is empty and none of the known faces like Nandini or Zain are here. Oddly none of them are here. 

Right then, he got a message from the Head Nurse, "Dr. Manik, Chairman wants to meet you once you're back to the hospital", that's what Navya sent to him.

Manik didn't think much as he went towards the Chairman's room, anyway, he got to thank that man. For his treatment, for giving him leave, for letting him resume his job from today.

He knocked twice before opening the door, there was no response. "Hello?", he said as there is no one here, lights are off and he got confused thinking maybe he got the wrong room.

Right when Manik is about turn back to go out, there is a shout. "WELCOME BACK" and the lights are on. There are balloons and flowers, and they all looked at him happily. Happy to have him back. He smiled at this childish surprise, there is Dr. Rajeev in the middle with a huge grin, Navya on his side, Cabir, Mukti, Zain, Sarah, Ali, and all of the members from his team and the medical camp, almost all of them are here. 

And Manik's eyes searched desperately for that one person whose presence matters the most to him, in the end, he only met with disappointment. Nandini is not here.

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