2. Little bambi

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"Thank you so much for the cookie, but I have to go

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"Thank you so much for the cookie, but I have to go." I thank Hudson as we step out of the bakery, gripping my cookie in one hand.

Hudson frowns and steps closer to me, "I can recommend you better places to work than this." He says, sounding awfully concerned about this innocent little bakery.

I furrow my brows, "That's okay." I shake my head, though smile at him from the concern in his voice, "I'm kind of desperate. I'll see you in class?" I smile softly, backing up from him as I intend to head home.

Hudson sets his lips in a firm line and nods once. I smile and wave at him as I turn to practically skip home, my appetite having gone with all the excitement of a new job.

I couldn't believe the nice boy at the bakery hired me that quickly – I mean, aren't there regulations you have to follow for that kind of stuff?

I brush off the thought though remembering that beggars can't be choosers. Bottom line is, I got a job and can now put all my money towards my tuition and rent.

I may be able to pull through my first year at university after all.

As I near my apartment complex, the sun begins to set, so I pick up my pace a little, remembering what my sister Juno said about being out on the streets at dark.

I've heard all the horror stories about girls getting jumped. The thought makes me shiver as I automatically pick up my pace.

I pass by the last alleyway before my apartment block and peek in, completing my routine check of the resident stray dog.

"Baby?" I call out softly, not having an official name for her just yet.

Low and behold, a scruffy grey face peeks out behind a dumpster and my face brightens to a smile, "Hi baby. Come here." I crouch down, the oversized dog trotting over after assessing it was me, her tail wagging frantically.

There was a chunk missing from her left ear, and her fur was a little matted and muddy, but other than that she was a handsome looking dog.

"Are you hungry?" I ask her quietly, scratching her in her favourite spot behind her ears as I unwrap the cookie Hudson bought me.

As soon as she sees the food, she scarfs it down out of my hand and I giggle at her eager nature, "There you go, darling." I pet her, as she licks my hand for crumbs.

The dark clouds above my head remind me I need to get inside for the night, and I stand from my crouching position.

"See you tomorrow." I scratch the dog once more behind the ears and turn to leave the alley, turning the corner to approach the door to my building and head inside.

I shuffle into the flimsy building, taking the stairs as the elevator has been broken since I moved into the place.

I'm on the fourth floor, so I'm out of breath when I get to my door and spend around 5 minutes searching the endless depth of my tote bag.

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