46. Truths

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I stare blankly into River's eyes, "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask him

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I stare blankly into River's eyes, "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask him.

He wets his lips like he's stressed, running a hand through his hair before meeting my eyes again, this time with more urgency, "Is there any way you could be related to Easton?" He asks me.

My eyes widen tenfold, "Related?" I repeat, a sound of disbelief in my voice, "To Easton? No way." I scoff.

River clenches his jaw like he isn't taking me seriously. He puts his hands on the outside of my arms, holding me to him as he looks at me, "Think about it Bambi," He starts, tone softer now, "Do you know who your parents are?" He asks.

The question takes me by surprise. We'd never talked about our families much with each other. I thought we both just assumed that we all didn't have much, so there wasn't anything to talk about.

That was the case for me at least. I shake my head at him, "No I was given up for adoption the moment I was born." I admit.

River nods his head with a clenched jaw, "Okay and how about your sister? Juno?" He asks.

The mention of Juno instantly makes me feel awful. I hadn't spoken to her in forever, too caught up in my own stuff. Gods she's probably worried about me.

"She's not my biological sister. We were sent to different group homes together as a set since they don't let young girls go alone. She became my legal guardian when she turned eighteen." I don't know why I'm sharing this all with River, but I know I made the right choice when he does nothing but listen attentively to my words.

"Does she know anything about her biological family?" He asks me, and I shake my head at him. He sighs, disappointed and drops his head between his shoulders, "This is such a shit show."

But I don't really hear his words. All I'm thinking about is Juno, and how bad a sister I am for so quickly forgetting about her...

I gasp, my hands flying to my mouth and River's head snapping up to meet mine urgently.

"What?" He asks, "What is it?"

"Juno's coming to visit." I mutter, shocked that I forgot such a vital detail of my life. "Tomorrow."

River frowns instantly, disappointed by the uninteresting news. "That's good." He mutters.

I shake my head, "How could I have forgotten! Oh my god, I need to call her." I fumble for my phone, hopping off the counter and walking around the room.

My sudden movements have Baby pacing with me, keeping close to my legs as I dial my sister's number.

Juno answers before the first ring even sounds out, "Roe? Oh my god, where have you been?" She asks me, voice sounding equal parts relieved and exasperated.

"Juno, I'm so sorry," I stress, "I've been so busy, between school and- and work," I run a hand through my hair, knowing I'm lying to her.

"And boys?" She asks pointedly.

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