29. Who wants her?

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I don't even realise I'm hiding half behind River until Easton yells at me

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I don't even realise I'm hiding half behind River until Easton yells at me.

"Romani," He snaps, "Come here." He beckons me over to him, now a group of what must be 25-30 men all crowded around him.

They're all in various states of undress, some with shirts some without. All I can say is there are a lot of abs staring at me right now...

I shuffle forward after a nudge from River, to which I glare back at him over my shoulder. He must sense my nerves because he smiles charmingly back at me, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back against the door to watch me suffer.


Easton gives me an impatient look when I finally reach him and he nudges me in front of him, in full display of all these sweaty men.

I don't know where to look, so I just keep my eyes moving, not wanting to look down at my feet and appear timid or scared. Even though I was.

"This little thing is Romani," Easton drawls, loud enough for the entire group to hear. I bite my lip at his demeaning words, restraining myself from snapping back, "Only 10 of you have girls, but we're lucky enough to have acquired an 11th. So, that leaves the question of who she goes to." He says, and I can practically feel the anticipation increase in the room.

Men stood up straighter, making themselves appear bigger and stronger in every way. Christ, I really was correct about their fragile egos.

"I'll take her." Someone speaks up, and my gaze snaps to a tall man, his arms crossed against his chest with an arrogant smile.

"In more ways than one." His friend speaks up beside him, looking over me appreciatively and his group of friends all laugh.

I stare at him, giving him a slow smile, "Oh really?" I ask, "Why don't you take me to the nearest dumbbell so I can shove it up your ass?" I flutter my lashes ever so slightly.

His group of friends burst out into even more laughter, whacking him on his shoulders teasingly.

I can't help but catch the amused smirk that covers Valentine's face, and Slater just stares at me.

"See boys," Easton speaks up with a smile in his voice, "This one is feisty. She actually has a personality." He laughs like that was funny. I'm two seconds away from kicking him so hard in his non-existent balls-

"So, who wants her?" Easton asks.

Every hand in the room shoots up, apart from five. Two of those were Slater and Valentine, who just looks uncontrollably angry and confused.

The other three were boys on the left side of the crowd. They all looked entirely bored of this ordeal, but still eyed me with curious interest.

Easton scoffs, "You can't volunteer if you already have a girl, you oversized idiots-"

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