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My eyes snap open and I'm met with a very dim light coming through Bambi's apartment windows

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My eyes snap open and I'm met with a very dim light coming through Bambi's apartment windows.

I blink, once, twice and shift my head to look around the room.

No one else is awake and I take in a breath. The dog is sleeping soundly on the sofa. Slater and Romani lay together in the bed, Romani literally using Slater as a mattress, sprawled along is broad upper body, thighs bracketing his hips.

Valentine's arm is still slung around my waist from where we'd fallen asleep together, right beside Slater and Romani.

I look down at his pale face, muscles completely relaxed as his messy hair frames his otherwise sharp cheekbones.

My head won't shut the fuck up and I can't sleep. It's pissing me off to no end.

I have a sick feeling about something.

I glance over at the phone screen that just lit up with a notification, glancing at the time which reads 5:03am.

Fuck it.

I carefully unentwined myself with Valentine, just because I kept waking up doesn't mean I should run the risk of them three waking up because of me.

Val and Slater need the rest. Bambi? Well, I always want to give her everything I can, whether she needs it or not.

Once I'm out of Valentines warmth I slip on my pants and shirt, grabbing my shoes and tying up the laces haphazardly.

I just need to clear my head. Quite literally.

With one last glance in the bed's directions, I head towards the front door, ignoring the inquisitive whine the canine releases as I part by it.

I slip out the door quietly and jog down all the stairs, breaking out into the very dim morning, crisp air invading my senses.

The streetlights don't word along this road, reason number 745 why I hate that Bambi lives out here.

I huff out a breath, mist escaping my mouth as I head down the dark street, hands shoved in my pockets.

I can't stop thinking about what happened last night, what Slater has told me countless times, what everyone has told me countless times.

Fuck, even Val told Romani not to 'baby me' last night. Is that what she's been doing? Have I made her feel that uncomfortable? So much so that she finds a way to blame it on my psychopathic diagnoses?

Because she thinks 'I don't know better' or 'can't control it'?

I blow out a breath, "Fuck." I growl under my breath, jaw hurting from the pressure of biting down on my teeth.

My hands screw up into tight fists and I feel like killing something.

Shit fuck, no.

Let me think about this logically. The problem is that I'm not normal. So, I need to do normal things. That'll reverse it.

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