70. Sunday's

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I think Baby is more eager to get to the gym than I am

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I think Baby is more eager to get to the gym than I am.

She's tugging me forwards on the leash, practically dragging me through the twisty alleyways I've become all too familiar with.

Despite my bakery being a huge local success, I take Sunday's off so I can bear witness to certain event at the gym.

Every Sunday, without fail, Baby and I show up here at 11am to visit the boys, and today's no different as we approach the back door, knocking twice.

As soon as the door swings open, Baby tugs the leash from my hand, darting inside and bounding down the corridor.

"Baby!" I exclaim, exasperated. She really does live up to her name in terms of intelligence.

Miguel cackles at me from the door, and I send him a playful glower as I rush inside. He ushers me to chase after Baby and I do, hear hearing laugh at my back as I tumble down the corridor, watching the last of Baby's leash drag behind her and into the main training room.

"No," I stress to myself, knowing I was going to get in trouble for this.

I don't even realise River stepping round the corridor and seeing Baby slip into the training room, myself stumbling behind her like an idiot.

He quickly blocks my way, raising a brow at me as I come to a screeching halt in front of him.

I smile innocently, "Hi."

"Hello." He responds, voice void of any emotion. He glances over his shoulder and looks back at me with a questioning gaze, "You let the mutt off its leash." He states.

I refrain from rolling my eyes, "Well, she's technically still on the leash-"

"Yet I don't see the leash in your hand." He finishes for me, making me glower up at his smartass face.

"Yes." I grind out, crossing my arms as I look up to him.

A hint of a smile plays on his lips, "You know the rules when classes are in session. The mongrel stays contained."

I narrow my eyes, "She's not a mongrel. And she has a name." I sass, knowing River liked Baby really, he just enjoyed winding me up about her even more.

"Hm." River makes a noncommittal grunt, "Looks like you got off easy this time," he nods back into the room behind him, but before I can look through the door to see what he means he grips my bicep and lowers his mouth to my ear, "But next time I'll have you over my knee in the office." He grunts, letting me go and continuing his journey down the hall.

I stare at his back as I go, shaking out the lust filled thoughts and returning my attention to the main problem at hand: Baby.

I quickly fix my gaze on the inside of the gym, letting out a relieved breath when I see Baby playing, not causing trouble.

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