23. Keep me sane

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I didn't remember falling asleep last night, but I wake up fully rested the next morning, blinking the haze out of my eyes

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I didn't remember falling asleep last night, but I wake up fully rested the next morning, blinking the haze out of my eyes.

"Jesus Christ!" I gasp when I meet River's very awake eyes already watching me.

His lips curve into a lazy grin as he lays beside me on the bed, reaching a hand out to brush through my tangly hair.

He hums, "Don't use his name in vain." He chastises teasingly and I narrow my eyes at him as his hand continue to play with strands of my hair.

"I didn't peg you for the religious type." I mutter and his eyes flash with amusement.

"I love when you talk about pegging me." He grins to which I gasp and slap his hand away from me. This only makes him more amused as he brings his hand back to my hair and answers my query, "But no I'm not religious." He almost scoffs.

I make a sound of annoyance and sit up in bed, River remaining laying down as he looks up at me with hooded eyes, "Where's Valentine and Slater?" I ask on a yawn, stretching my arms above my head.

"They don't get Sunday's off." Is all he says, and it's all I need to understand.

Though I'm glad. After yesterday I didn't want to hang around Slater's grumpy attitude.

"Then it's just you and me." I say, turning to look down at him in bed.

His answering smile tells me he is way more than okay with conclusion.

"So, tell me what you want to do." River goads, hands reaching for my waist.

I let him drag me on top of him, my thighs straddling his hips as his large hands encompass my waist.

I shrug at him, playing with my fingers in an act of innocence. He seems to know exactly what I'm doing.

"Someone doesn't like to make decisions." He comments, thumbs rubbing circles on my stomach where they're rested.

I look down at him then and remember the cold way he treated me a few mornings ago. His bipolarity is really confusing but... I do think he likes me.

Valentine had mentioned he's never really done this before. I needed to give him some slack, especially considering he's sort of a ticking time bomb, ready to blow up in my face any second.

I really do like River. He's... intoxicating. I just want to find out more and more and more.

But I realise to do that I need to like him on his good days, and his bad days.

And today was a good day. I didn't want to waste that.

River seems to notice the distraction of my thoughts, but luckily interprets it for something else.

His eyebrows crease in worry and he back tracks on his previous words, "Hey, it's okay don't worry. I can decide what we do today, yeah?" He asks, hands sliding to my back to push my closer to him in comfort.

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