53. Won't take long

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I have never felt better

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I have never felt better.

And no, it's not just because of the mind-blowing sex I had last night.

(It kind of is)

But it's also because everything in my life seems to be going amazing.

Juno and Nancy are here – and they're staying here permanently. I'm practically bouncing with excitement for tonight, when I get to show them round some of the local clubs.

I also get to move out of this crappy apartment and live with them both. It's going to be like living with two really cool moms.

Oh, and did I mention that really good sex? Yeah, that too.

I have the meeting with the real estate agents today, but that should be cleared up quickly now considering I'm telling them I'm leaving. It will make it easier on both our accounts, I'll get out of their hair and break my contract.

I jolt harshly on top of Slater when the sound of the door flying open scares me. It seems to spur Slater into action as well.

He wakes almost immediately, and flips us over, crushing me beneath his body as his forearms bracket my head, shielding me from whatever burst in.

I would find it endearing if it didn't include me suffocating beneath his body weight.

His tense shoulders relax, and he rolls off me, giving me a clear view of River at the front door, looking... displeased?

My eyes scan over him, and snag on the bouquet of flowers in his hand, making me draw my attention back up to his eyes.

He glares at me and I sit up in bed as he approaches, casting a shadow as he nears.

No words are spoken between us, but I can see the visible bob of his Adam's apple as he swallows thickly, raising his hand to extend the bouquet for me.

My jaw goes slack at the gesture, pressure building behind my eyes and I want to cry. Christ, my period must be coming.

Until my eyes land on the knuckles of his hand, extending the red roses to me.

The contrast is almost poetic, his knuckles are bruised and cracked yet they're holding such a classically beautiful bunch of red flowers.

"Baby, what happened?" I practically coo – surprising myself. I have no idea where that burst of maternal instinct came from.

River seems frustrated by my reaction; his brows furrow deeply, and he looks at me like he's wounded.

I gape and realise he wants me to look at the flowers not his knuckles.

"Oh..." I say quietly, feeling like an asshole.

Slater snorts a laugh behind me, and I hold back the urge to turn and punch him right in the mouth.

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