36. Anomalies

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"I've got something for you

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"I've got something for you." River tells me with raised eyebrows and a smirk.

I snap my eyes to his from where they previously were on my phone. I put it down immediately with a wide, excited grin, "What?" I ask.

We were just wrapping up the after-hours service, River and I having served a total of 3 groups of men so far tonight and were now only waiting up for the last, who are incredibly late.

We only expected one more to come and collect before we could officially close up for the night, even though the collection hours were long over by now.

River throws the kitchen towel he was just using to clean with over his shoulder in a true 'chef' fashion and crosses his arms, "I'll give it to you after we finish." He smiles teasingly, and my excited grin drops.

"River." I whine, annoyed at his cruel temptation.

"Romani." He whines right back at me, and I narrow my eyes at him. Though I don't tell him how good it sounds when he whines my name like that.

"You're a dick." I mumble at him, and he wipes his hands before pushing off the counter.

"And you, little Bambi," He tells me brushing past me to the stairs, "have developed quite the vulgar vocabulary." He swats me on the bum with the tea towel on the way past and laughs at my shocked expression.

I scrunch my face at him in show of my displeasure and he grins, "Where are you going?" I ask him, turning and crossing my arms in what I hope is a some-what dominant stance.

"To piss." He replies, a lopsided grin on his lips as he cocks his head at me, "Wanna come?" He waggles his brows at me.

I make a gagging sound and turn away from him, not even entertaining his sick ideas and hear him laugh all the way up the stairs.

I pick my phone up again, resuming my text conversation with Juno who was planning days on coming down with Nancy.

It's not long before I hear a clang out the back door and what sounds to be the shuffling of some feet. I frown at the propped open backdoor, knowing that's where we greet all the after-hour customers anyways.

Maybe the last group have shown up after all?

I glance at the clock to see it's nearly an hour after the collection time and mentally roll my eyes at how late these customers were.

With that thought in mind, I glance at the stairs where River disappeared a minute ago and start gnawing on my lip. I didn't want to leave any customers waiting and potentially lose them for the guys' future sales...

I've done this with River several times, it's a simple transaction. I just needed to be confident.

I grab the last baggie of edibles and take a breath as I approach the slightly propped open back door. I straighten my spine, making myself as tall as possible and feel the slight cool breeze of the nights air come through the crack in the door.

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