67. Game on

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"This better be so worth it

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"This better be so worth it." Hudson mutters beside me angrily, arms crossed as we traverse the streets together.

I hang onto his arm and blink up at him with my best puppy dog eyes, which Baby snorts at beside me, "Please Hudson, I swear this will make it up to you."

He side eyes me, looking down and cracking a small smile before saying, "It better be good for it to make up for ditching me at uni." He grumbles, though slightly less serious now.

"Oh, it will," I tell him, nodding profusely, "And hey, just cause I'm not coming back doesn't mean you won't see me." I say pointedly.

He grunts and I smile at his attempts to be angry with me, but it was just so hard when there was icing on the corner of his mouth from when I made him taste test my cupcakes for the bakery.

I stop him in front of the still unnamed fight club and grin at his pointed scowl, "I can't take your glare seriously with icing on your mouth." I tease, reaching up on my tippy toes to swipe my thumb across his lower lip.

Before I can pull away, he nips at my thumb, licking it to reclaim the icing I just cleaned from him, and I gasp.

A playful smirk grows over his lips as he looks down at me, "Is this your surprise Romani? Are you trying to seduce me?"

He takes a taunting step towards me, and I back up a step, smiling at him and shaking my head, "Uh-uh, unless you want a black eye as your surprise?" I ask him, raising a brow.

He pauses and narrows his eyes, "Then this better be worth it." He repeats again and I smile.

"As you've said." I tease, spinning on my heel and knocking on the front door, hearing Hudson mumble something under his breath behind me.

A second later the door is swinging open and I'm grinning ear to ear at Miguel, who returns the gesture.

"Hola princesa." He winks, glancing over my head to take in Hudson.

He frowns briefly before understanding flits through his eyes, "Miguel, this is Hudson." I introduce and Hudson looks around the place wearily before setting his gaze on Miguel.

"Nice to meet you." He replies hesitantly, yet still being polite. He leans down to speak to me lowly, "Where the fuck are we?"

"Ah!" Miguel claps his hands together, "Is this the new nurse we hired?" He asks me, smiling broadly as he looks over Hudson again approvingly.

Hudson's jaw goes slack, and he looks between Miguel and I as I cringe, smiling at him wearily.

"Surprise." I squeak and he just looks at me with no emotion in his eyes before splitting into the biggest grin I've ever seen.

"Are you fucking with me?" He exclaims, putting his hands on my shoulders and shaking me like that'll change my answer.

"No." I laugh, blowing hair from my face that got messed up when he shook me, "Welcome to your first gig as a nurse." I smile, before backtracking my words, "If you want it, that is." I reassure, albeit apprehensively.

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