40. Angel

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Valentine was hellbent on holding my hand as we entered through the front door of the club

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Valentine was hellbent on holding my hand as we entered through the front door of the club.

"Slater, Valentine." Miguel nods to both boys seriously as he lets them in through the front door.

I trail behind Valentine, still attached to his hand before I come into Miguel's view and grin widely up at him.

"Princesa!" Miguel greets, his gruff face dissolving into a grin to match my own.

"Hola Miguel." I laugh back at him lightly and he reaches a hand out to smooth my hair endearingly.

He leans a little closer to me to speak in a barely hushed whisper, "You keep these chicos in line today, si?" He grunts, nodding his head towards a scowling Slater and Valentine.

"Si Miguel." I giggle back and he winks before ushering me further inside.

Valentine tugs me along as I fall into step between both Slater and Valentine. I look over my shoulder before we turn the corner in the hallway and see Miguel send me one last wave.

I can't keep the wide smile off my face.

"Must you make friends with everyone we pass." Slater grumbles unhappily.

I frown up at him, "It doesn't hurt to be nice. Maybe you'll actually make some friends if you try-"

Slater's hand is mover my mouth in seconds, muffling my words as I dip my brows at him angrily.

"I have friends." He states, tone clipped. I narrow my eyes and lick the palm of his hand.

He jerks his hand away with the widening of his eyes as he stares at me, Valentine sniggering beside us, "Did you just lick me?" He asks incredulously.

I give him my best scathing look, "Do it again and you'll find out." I threaten.

Slater looks at from his hand to my mouth, and back to his hand again. A mischievous glint floods his dark eyes and before I know it, he's reaching for the band of his sweats.

"Bro!" Valentine laughs, halting Slater in his actions who's now wearing a sick smirk on his handsome face, "Quit it, maybe Roe will lick your dick at home if you ask her nicely." He waggles his brows at Slater.

I faux glare at him and punch him lightly in the arm, "Both of you shut up." I grumble, but there's a smile on my face as we find the door to the main training area and enter.

Valentine still keeps a firm clasp on my hand as Slater follows in behind us, all traces of our previous banter gone from their faces.

I take a look around the large room, seeing many men spread about and warming up or chatting idly to one another. Off to one side of the room however, is a group of girls.

I balk at them, scratch that, not girls – supermodels.

My hand tightens on Valentine's instinctively, but a booming voice makes me jump.

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