27. Caught

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When we open the door to my apartment, Baby barks in excitement

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When we open the door to my apartment, Baby barks in excitement.

I shush her immediately, wincing at her loud sounds, but can't help but smile at her excitement to see me.

She ignores River completely, and him her, as I reach down to stroke her, her tail wagging 100 miles an hour.

"C'mon Baby." I coo, reattaching her leash as I lead her back out to the hall where River is obediently waiting.

As I'm about to step over the fresh hold of my door when I realise there's an envelope on the floor, likely having been pushed under my door.

I frown, leaning down to pick it up as River watches me emotionlessly.

"Don't you have a post-box downstairs?" He questions uninterestedly.

"Yeah..." I murmur, more to myself than him. The name on the front of the envelope was addressed to me, my address and apartment number written on it as well, "The postman must've gotten confused." I shake my head, dismissing the worries as I take the envelope with me into the hallway.

I lock up the door and all three of us are off again, heading down the street towards the bakery.

With Baby's leash hooked around my wrist and River and I walking in comfortable silence, I take the time to open the envelope, expecting my usual bills to be inside.

What I read has me stopping in my tracks, River turning to look at me with an impatient expression.

I scan the words on the page about five times, only looking up when River speaks to me.

"What is it?" He asks, tone clipped.

I shake my head, "My landlord..." I say, worry prevalent in my voice, "They know about Baby I-" I cut myself off, sucking in a sharp breath, "I either pay a penalty or I'm out." I say, voice sounding shaky.

This couldn't be happening, not now-

River stalks closer to me, taking the paper out of my hands and reading it over for himself. Baby nudges my now empty hands with her wet nose, offering me the little comfort she could provide.

I pet her head reassuringly. She wasn't going anywhere. I'd just have to... figure this out.

I look up to River but see him frowning deeply at the letter. He turns to me with hard eyes, "There has to be another way," He shakes his head defiantly, "They left an email. For any inquiries please contact," he reads the email glancing up to me with hard eyes, "This is bullshit, they can't get away with it."

I sigh, gently taking the letter back from his hands, "River... I broke the rules, it's my fault, I-" I take a breath, "I messed up. I'll have to figure it out it's okay." I lie, and River's eyes turn angry.

"No," He says, a hard set to his jaw, "No it isn't. they can't punish you for being a fucking good person. What, did they expect you to just leave the dog out in the rain?" He rants, throwing his hands up in frustration.

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