15. Not the same dog

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"Mhm, I think I did really well

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"Mhm, I think I did really well." I smile as I talk to Juno on the other end of the phone.

"Good cause you studied your ass off for that exam. You better have done well." She says back firmly, but I'm just staring at Baby as she scarfs down the food, I just put into one of my cereal bowls.

After Valentine left, I put down a towel and dried her off as best as I could. The towel came back very dirty, so I definitely needed to bath her before bed.

"Yeah, well I should get the results back on Monday. I'll let you know how I did." I tell her.

"Good. Did you get the cheque I sent you?" Juno asks me, and I glance to the unopened envelope on my kitchen counter.

I automatically start gnawing my lip nervously, "I did." I tell her softly.

"I'm glad... Are you... Are you doing okay for money babe?" She asks me hesitantly. It's always been a rough subject, especially considering the large age gap between us as sisters. She's always just had a lot more than me. "Because if you aren't just tell me-"

"No," I cut her off, not wanting her to get the impression that I was struggling, even though I am, "No I'm absolutely fine." I smile even though she can't see me, "I'm doing okay Juno." I lie, glancing down softly at Baby licking up the remains of the dog food Valentine stole.

I blush at the thought of him.

"Well okay. But if you are just tell me okay?" She replies back, her voice turning stern.

"I will. I promise. Thank you. For everything you do to help me." I tell her, feeling like I don't say it enough.

Her tone softens significantly, "Of course Roe. You're my sister. I love you."

"I love you too." I smile at the words, knowing they're genuine. I glance down at Baby who looks as if she wants to jump onto my bed. I grimace, not with all that mud she won't. "I have to go Juno, but I'll call you soon?" I say.

"Sure, Nancy just came in from work anyways. Talk soon baby." She says, and I say a final goodbye before we hang up the phone.

I immediately toss it onto the sofa cushion and stand to get the dog, "Hey, baby come here girl." I tell her, ushering her over to me.

She obeys obediently, running into me as I crouch down to pet her. She's warmed up and dried off a fair amount. I feel bad that I need to get her wet again to wash her.

She's a muddy brown colour, with spots of black showing up through her coat. But now I'm unsure if she's even brown at all- or if it's all just dirt.

She has white areas on her face and around her eyes. No way could this dog be white under all this dirt... could she?

"Only one way to find out." I mutter at her, leading her into my dingy bathroom.

It's a very small room, but I manage to coax her in my shower where I wash her down with warm water.

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